25: are you baa baa(granny)?

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Lily: please help me go get some wood from town so I can make some roasted wood duck.

Ryuuga; that's too troublesome. Just oven it.

Lily: the good food matters. Neh kia.

Kia: eh? Hai.

Lily: I used to remember you run by our house asking for my roasted duck.

Ryuuga: eh? And I thought you weren't childish at all. Hahaha...

Ed: hahaha... You? Hahaha...

Kia: that was... All in the past.

Ed: kia...

Lily: now run along.

Lily: mushrooms, chicken, leek... And finally... Your favourite weird cherries as topping for pie.

Ryuuga: were you a difficult adolescent? Cherries. You're really childish neh.

Kia: you... Are you really lily portcas?

Ed: kia. What do you mean?!!!

Kia: where's your husband? We haven't seen him the whole day. Rita's father, comes back every afternoon to have coffee.

Lily: aren't you suspicious?  Rita's old man... He died already.

Ed: go... Gomen.

Ryuuga: wrong guess kia.

Lily: now now... Let's have afternoon tea.

Everyone takes a slice.

Ed: cherries with chicken pie... Weird...

Kia takes the remaining cherry he didn't eat and puts in her mouth " yummy. You simply don't know how to enjoy. "

Ed: its sweet!!!

Kia: sweet and salty. Perfect.

Ed: you're weird.

Kia: you're weird for not liking it!! *bleh* neh ryuuga.

Ryuuga: erm... Erm...  Actually...

Kia: alright than!!! Pay for your own fees when you the train home. Hmph.

Ryuuga: what?!!! Why me only?!!!  How about edward?!!!

Kia: I like. *bleh*

Lily: neh kia... Do you want to see Rita's room?

Kia: um... Ok.

They walked down the stairs leading down to the basement. The stairs creaked a little as it was old. She opened the door and switched on the lights. They entered in together.

Kia: rita...

Lily: neh kia. Grant me a wish.

Kia: what wish?

Lily: help me kill the one who killed rita. My daughter.

Ryuuga: ok. I accept. I have one more soul to eat. Hehe.

Edward pov:

Kia than ran towards me with tears threatening to fall, she hugged me and cried " rita... Bear with me..."

I stroked her hair " its ok. I understand. You miss her. "

Suddenly a knife stabs to kia's back. Blood flows, it was lily. She than plucks out the knife " It...WAS YOU!!! You... KILLED RITA!!! "

Than kia screamed and cried even louder squeezing parts of my shirt " I... You hate me now... Don't you? " she lets go of me than turns around still crying.  She walked to Lily's front " kill me. "

Ed: what?!!!  You will really die!!!

Kia: its ok. Come.

Lily raises her hand to strike kia when I grabbed onto her wrist " it doesn't have to be like that!!"

Lily: I understand you love her. But... She DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE LOVED. She... KILLED RITA.  A MURDERER

Kia touched my hand " its ok. Trust me. " she looked to lily than took the knife from Lily's hand and placed it in her other " stab here.  Stomach. I'll bleed to death. Painfully. Slowly. You know that right? "

Ed: kia!!!

She grabbed my collar and kissed me on the lips ...  What....?  Than she pushed me away...

Kia: come.

*stab*....  A pool of blood.... Or so I thought... Kia had held onto the blade with her bare hands.

She took out her katana and cut off the blade from the handle . She wipe off her tears and pointed her katana to Lily's throat ,than using her cold tone " baa baa who sent you? "

Ryuuga: she's an imposter?

Ed: but she knows everything. Well... That could be investigated...

Kia: you're real. But why?

Ryuuga: how do you know?

Kia: anyone who read the news would know, rita was killed by a military guy. Identity unknown. My father which is. But she doesn't receive newspapers. So she believed I'm the killer. I told her so.

Ryuuga: oh? Why do such a thing?

Kia: they are a revengeful family. Rita said. I need my father alive. I also gave her many chances to kill me.

Lily: you couldn't really die!!!

Kia: you never once hurt me in the lethal spots even when I gave you the chance. You chose not to strike me. It was... Entertainment... Mutually... Isn't it? So... Why? What made you want my life again? This time... Who told you I could really die?

Lily looked to kia with tears " they... They told me. Kill you. Rita and old man would be able to come back. "

Kia: tsk.

Ed: kenja no ishi.

Lily: Please... Let me kill you...

Than.... Suddenly there were sounds coming from the creak of the stairs. It was getting... Louder...and louder...

All attention was at the door.

Kia: baa baa.  Who?

Lily dried her tears and became serious " I don't know. No one really comes in the middle of the night. Or even here. The step sounds... Sound too calm. "

The door squeaked open and a voice spoke " special delivery~~ "

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