46: misunderstood

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They were underneath the city in an underground.

Kain: waaah... How did you find this place? Riza. Its perfect. I can even receive signals from here.

Jean: yea. Near town and undiscoverable.

Falman: there's even a table.

Breda: even weapons. Like a real base.

Riza: this is going to be our base from now on. Our headquarters is not safe if we're going to do a huge scale planning.

Falman: that I agree.

Breda: we need a code.

Kain: we can refer this place as the candy parlor. Or something like that.

Riza:do you guys have any bars you usually go to?

Jean: ah. Jackson's wine and beer. They're alcohol are the best.

Breda: I see... We'll call this place the bar than. Than the real one, Jackson's. How's that?

Riza: um. Sound good.

Falman: where do you even get this idea anyway?

Riza: just learning from them. If you don't have it. Make it.

Breda: hm. Alchemy huh.

Riza: *smiles* frin was helpful.

Falman: we need one person to look after this place.

Riza: good point.

*ring ring*

Kain picks it up " hai? Hai. Riza."

Riza: put it on speaker. Its safe.

*speaker on*

" riza. I need a favour. "

Riza: its you. Frin.

Frin: hai.

Riza: anything. And don't say favours. We're about to face war. We should do anything possible.

Frin: hai. Ja remember the hundred names?

Riza: hai. You want to check if they exist here?

Frin: hai. Its just a thought... But just maybe trying wouldn't do any bad right? We're out of leads for this one.

Riza I understand.

Frin: arigato.



Zihein: I don't like to just wait.

Frin: me neither. But the records say nothing

Zihein: sometimes the direct approach seems to be even better.

Frin: well... Its not impossible.

Rita: ja... Let's do it!!! I've always like that kind of approach.

Frin: you didn't even really do anything!!!

Rita: urusei !!! I'm the leader now!!!


Ed was sleeping on the couch in the train. Kia was passing by so she squat down and gently stroked his hair. She let out a gentle sigh that proceeded to poke rebelliously onto his cheek. She giggled. She sat opposite to his couch and stared at him like that.

Suddenly he opened his eyes " what are you looking at?"

Kia: nothing.

Ed: nothing?  You look pretty satisfied to me. After touching my hair and poking my cheek.

Kia: tsk. So you're awake.

He goes to seat by her side " what were you thinking? "

Kia: I'm the keeper of the gate. I don't age. I don't grow. Looking at a grown man makes me want to grow too...

Ed: hahaha... Chibisuke kind of thinking.

Kia: well I can't help it!!! I am stuck with 15 years old!!!

He suddenly picks her up and carries her butt with an arm.

Kia: what are you doing?!!!

Ed: you remind me when I was stuck in my time.

Kia: oh that. I heard. When you both haven't got your bodies back. Your body was stuck at one time.

Ed: um. But I was still able to do many things. So you don't have to worry either.

Kia: who's worrying?! I don't worry. I know I'm great. It's just... I'm... Short.

He puts her down " hahaha...you're right."

Kia: what you mean by that?!!!

Ed: gomen. Its just I never really noticed.

Kia looked up " damn... I just realise how short I am. "

Ed: hahaha... How did you even kiss me? Its a miracle.

She jumped up and put her arms on his shoulder, lift herself up and kisses his lips " like that. Baka. "

His eyes widened shocked a little " kia..."

" I wish you could keep your eyes on me like that... Forever... " she said softly and walked passed him.

Al opens the door and kia walks out " kia... did something happen?" al looks at ed.

kia: nothing.

al walks in " nii-san, I have talked with may. We can head towards zhi with colonel(roy), while you and kia ahead towards another village. It can save time."

ed: I don't think she will agree.

al: something did happen!! What did?!!

ed: she thinks I am still hung up over winryl.

al: nii-san.... are... you?

ed: I can't help it. I love winryl a lot.

al: are you sure you didn't get the wrong idea?

ed: ah. She said "I wish you could keep your eyes on me like that... Forever... "

" I don't that's what she means. "

ed: eh?!!! When were you here?!! Were you eavesdropping the whole time?!!!

may: I was just standing behind that wall!! I didn't hide!!

ed: that is hiding!!

al" -_-''' sigh...

may: its not!! You just weren't paying attention!!

ed: I didn't know equals to hide!!!

al: -_-''' don't you think both of you can stop already?

may: hmph.

ed: hmph. But... what did you mean by she didn't mean by that?

may: kia just wants you to love her more than now. Probably. Not make you forget winryl. Probably.

ed: is that so?

may: she lost many things precious to her, I think she knows the best its hardest to let go the people you love. You can never forget them.

al: may... plus nii-san, are you the kind who gives up so easily? Haven't we always been doing one thing as alchemists?

ed: um. Arigato. Al. May.

He fiddles with al's hair than with may's " you two must live happy ok. " he smiles. Then he walks out of the room.

al: nii-san...

may: ed... al, will he be ok?

al: what are you talking about? He's my nii-san. Of course he will be.

May hugs al "um. "

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