75: dark threatens

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(kyule pic)

Envy: its getting so bored here!!!

Kyule: read a book.

Envy: what? That's so boring!!!

Kyule: it will increase your acting skills.

Envy: you!!! Like you can act better than me!!!

Kyule: of course I do. My real look looks cuter than you. I don't get exposed easily until the last moment. Unlike you, you ran before you even finished your mission.

Envy: you believe I kill you?!!!

Kyule: ginjori!!!

Ginjori stands in between them " stop it. Both of you. One homonculus. One human. Both of you have the same ability. Don't fight. "

Kyule: who wants to fight with a failure?

Envy: that chibi is a guy!!! I'm a guy!! What do you expect?

Kyule: I've played guys and girls many times. I've hurt more people than you. Not by violence. But by shattering their hearts.

She leans in " you? Tsk. Just violence. You only shake their hearts. You don't know how to shatter them. "

Envy: *anime vein* this... Brat...

Pride: you guys look good together. Don't fight.

Gluttony: envy. Kyule. Together. Good!!

Envy: don't encourage him!!!

Yoon: kyule~ envy ~ kyule~ envy~

Envy: I'll kill you!!!

Jojo: and I'll kill all of you. Urusai.

Rikoa: enough of this noise. Carry out plan two already?

Yoon: hai. Carrying out. *looks to both of them*

Kyule: book.

Envy: hmph. I'm not taking her job.

Yoon: show real face. Not fake face.

Kyule: why me?

Envy: Yea. Why?

Yoon: rikoa-san and ginjori's face has been seen. Jojo might end up killing him.

Jojo: hey!!! I'm not that bad. I didn't kill eliza.

Yoon: right... Ginjori has to go look after you.

Jojo: supervise!!! Use the word supervise.

Gluttony: how about... Yoon?

Envy/ kyule: *stares * yea.

Yoon: I've got to carry out the plan.

Envy: lazy

Kyule: unfair.


They were in an inn...

Lee: hey~ wake up.

Kia: zzzzz more....

Lee: we need to head back before ed and your other nii-san (roy) nags me. Than there's your sisters. Omg. Than there's winryl. *pokes cheek* hey. *poke poke*

Kia: five minutes.

Lee: don't be like that. We're only resting here because you're tired. I was afraid that you would faint again. I'll carry you back. Come on.

Kia: ten minutes. I promise. Please~~

Lee: sigh... Not even facing me. You're really bullying me now.

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