Nyla abruptly hugged Macha.
"I remember you, watermon!" She exclaimed. Macha gasped excitedly.
"You too, Nyla! But my name isn't watermon anymore. It's Macha."
I was confused before I recalled how they used to be in the same story, before I split them up.
"So Julie, why are we here?" Notme asked.
"To be my friends! Everyone at school always used me for my magic." I replied. "I just wanted a few people who didn't." They looked at each other with a pitiful look. Then Violet smiled at me.
"I'll be your friend! You seem pretty cool." She exclaimed. Everyone else nodded in agreement.

I yawned, realizing how tired I was.
"You guys wanna get out of here?" I asked. "There's a couple of rooms in the library you can stay in."
I led them down the long spiral staircase, into the large library. There was a balcony with 5 rooms on the third story.
"Take your pick on which room, just know someone has to share. It's not really a problem, there's two beds in each." I mentioned.
"I'll share with Macha." Nyla said.
"I guess I'll stay with... what's your name, wolfridite?" Violet asked.
"Draco." The cyan wolf dragon replied.
"Nice to meet you, Draco. I'm Violet."
"Uh what's your name?" Notme asked Florence.
"I'm Florence. You?"
"Nolan, but I prefer the nickname Notme."
We all went into our separate rooms. I decided to stay in the library that night, reading.

Glad I finally found some friends.

(((Chapter 2)))
((Julie's point of view))

"Wake up, author!" I heard Draco's voice say. "Wake up, Nyla made clouds for breakfast. They're delicious!"
I opened one eye at that, smirking. I gave Nyla the ability to summon edible clouds. They were incredibly healthy, but tasted like cotton candy. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Wow Nyla! This tastes amazing!" Notme exclaimed, his mouth still sorta full.
"Yup! I made it so they're super healthy too!" I mentioned as I slid down the railing. "I remember writing that part. You were so happy when you rode on one of the clouds."
"Yeah, that was awesome!" Nyla replied.

I heard the door of the library burst open, startling all of us. The characters hid under the table.
"Julie! What are you doing here?! You were gone all night!" My mother shouted.
"Mom, I can explain!" I replied, panicking.
"No, get over here, we're going home." She yelled crossly. I hesitated, before she stormed over to me, grabbing my arm. I resisted her attempts to drag me out.
"Hey!" Nyla grabbed my mother's attention. She turned around sharply, looking her dead in their angry orange eyes. Nyla's eyes slowly turned glowing white, a thunderbolt ready in her hand.
"Nyla, calm down!" Notme cried, gripping her shoulder. "You might hurt Author!" Nyla gasped for air, but one of her eyes, instead of neon orange, turned black with a red pupil. She grasped her chest, their sleeves white. I broke free of my mother's grip, rushing to Nyla's side.
"Go away mom! I'm not leaving my friends!" She backed out the door.

"It's okay, just let Alyn take over. It might seem scary, I know, but trust me. She's kind by the end of the book." I told her. Nyla exhaled, her onesie turning a pure white with a black belly. Her cat ears turned spiky, her tail fluffing and spiking. Her lip quivered, before she collapsed in my arms.
Florence, Violet, Macha, and Draco were backed into a corner.
"You alright?" I asked softly. She opened her eyes, dazed but seemingly fine. She was warm, her body figuratively burning up. She stood up, looking around in a curious manner.

"Hey guys, I just realized," Notme started. "We haven't been out of the library yet."
"Oh yeah! Can we go outside, Julie?" Florence inquired.
"Yeah, of course! Just know that it is snowing." I replied. Winter wasn't too bad in Flagstaff, but it was still pretty icy.
We headed out the door to a light flurry.
My friends started messing around in the snow, Notme, Florence and Violet were having a snowball fight, Draco was digging something up, and Alyn was trying to keep Macha's water from freezing.
"Why is there a dog with wings?" I heard several passersby say. Several people were heading into the library. My grandpa liked having people around, so he always allowed it.

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