Part 30 (First Win)

Start from the beginning

"Alright, is it cool if we get to the creek before we head out?" T-Dog asked. "Won't take long, we just gotta fill up on water. We can boil it later."

"Knock yourself out," Rick answered as the group all walked away.

CJ stayed by the car, crossing her arms and resting them on the roof, leaning with her chin on her arms and closing her eyes.

"Hey," Daryl called out as he approached Rick. "While the others wash their panties let's go hunt. That owl didn't exactly hit the spot. You too, sleepy-head," he added as he nudged CJ's shoulder.

Her eyes shot open and she immediately stood up straight and turned to follow the two men. "Yep, yep. Not asleep. I was totally listening."

"Oh yeah?" Daryl asked, raising his eyebrows. "Where we goin'?"

CJ paused for a moment and pursed her lips. "Umm... the creek?"

"Huntin'," Daryl corrected her immediately.

"Hunting! Right, of course, I knew that..." she repeated as she chuckled awkwardly. Her fake laughter died when she saw the painted looks Rick and Daryl were giving her.She smiled innocently and lifted her shoulders. "...I may have not been listening."

"We know," Rick said with a small chuckle.

The trio continued through the woods until they came across a clearing in the shrubbery. They were greeted with the sight of a prison. The fences stood tall, the building itself looked secure, the front yard however, roaming with the dead.

"That's a shame," Daryl muttered.

The three of them stopped, just staring at the prison. "All those walkers...they're all in prison jumpsuits," CJ pointed out slowly as she turned to look up at Rick.

"So the prison's secure," Rick added as a smile made it way onto his face. "That's the place."

They went to tell everyone what they'd found. The group made their way down to the prison and Rick cut a hole in the first fence for everyone to climb through before Glenn secured it with a wire, which drew the attention of some of the dead that were closer to the fence form the other side. They all made there way around the path to the main gate and stopped to scan the walker-infested field.

"It's perfect," Rick said to himself as he looked over at the main building. "If we can shut that gate, prevent more from fillin' the yard, we can take out these walkers. We'll take the field by night."

"So, how do we shut the gate?" Hershel asked.

"I'll do it," Glenn volunteered. "You guys cover me."

"No. It's a suicide run," Maggie said.

"I'm the fastest," Glenn argued.

"No. You, Maggie and Beth draw as many as you can over there," Rick instructed as he pointed. "Daryl, go back to the tower. Carol, you've become a pretty good shot. Take you time, we don't have a lot of ammo to waste. Hershel. You and Carl, take this tower."

"Alright," Carl replied as he walked away with Hershel.

"And I'm guessing... me and you are runnin' for the gate?" CJ sighed as she came over to stand next to Rick, looking out over the yard.

"You guessed right," Rick huffed with a nod. "You get the left, I get the right. We shut the gate and get in that guard tower, take down the rest."

"Great, this is gonna be awesome," CJ responded as she tightened her ponytail and straightened her beige cap.

Rick sent a nod to Lori and she opened the gate, sliding it shut as soon as the pair went through. Rick and CJ started running down the path, using both knives and guns to take out the walkers that got too close. The rest of the group were shouting and banging on the fences behind them to distract the walkers that were further away.

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