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6 months later

Wild I row with my arms. A twitch goes through my body and it feels like my lungs are crushing. I can't take it anymore. I'm going to drown. I want to scream but no sound comes out of my throat. The water is freezing cold and I'm shaking all over my body. There's a lifeboat going over me, but I don't have the strength to show up. Everything turns black.I wake up bathed in sweat. Next to me, Harold turns on the bedside lamp. "Everything is good", he whispered in a low voice. I lean on him and close my eyes. As soon as we've left the ship, I've been plagued with nightmares. Hardly a night goes by that I don't wake up. "What time is it?" I ask. "That's six. " I take a deep breath. It's not worth sleeping anymore, which is why I get up. Harold follows me into the kitchen. "Edda, it can't go on like this. You're totally beside you, you're not sleeping properly, and you're getting pale every day." "What am I supposed to do, what is it worth fighting for?" I look at him blankly. Harold's grabbing me by the shoulders. His grip is firm and his gaze penetrating. "Don't say that! Do you remember what he said before you got on the boat? " I shake my head imperceptibly, my heart seems to burst in my chest. I'm gasping. "Say it!" says Harold. "Promise me, no matter what happens, that you will never give up hope and fight to the end " I repeat in a trembling voice the words of my grandfather.

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