An accident

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A small cry escaped me and tears poured into my eyes. A few people stopped and stared at me, but no one made any effort to help me up. I was unable to move. I felt a wet spot on the back of my head and closed my eyes. A stabbing pain pulsated at the spot.  I gasped for air like a fish on land. I gently touched the painful area. My hand was blood red. Someone grabbed my arms from behind and gently lifted me up. I opened my eyes a bit. I was still dizzy and everything was spinning. A jolt went through my body as I realized who had lifted me up and whose arms I was now lying in. My head sank to the side and everything around me became black. When I woke up, I found myself on a couch. I'll sit down carefully. I was lying in a small room reminiscent of a hospital room. At the other end of the room was a person. I shuddered in fright. Officer Lowe was sitting there. Maybe I just imagined it all and the fall had left some damage. He got up and came to me. My breath was speeding up. I definitely wasn't imagining it. I didn't really know what to say, and apparently Lowe didn't either. "What time is it?" I asked for a felt eternity. "It's half past three. " I chewed on my lower lip. "I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. I don't know what got into me." I swallowed. "No", he replied, "it shouldn't have come to this. You're Captain Smith's granddaughter, and I'm the fifth officer. I have to apologize. " I had a good look at him for the first time today. Under his eyes were dark shadows, he wore his uniform but there was a huge red spot on his chest. Frightened, I slapped my hand in front of my mouth. "Oh God, is that my blood?" I looked at him in shock. He shrugged his shoulders. "Should I have left you there? Besides, you can wash it out. " Tears gathered in my eyes. "Thank you", I breathed. My heart beat wildly in my chest..  There was a loud knock on the door. I twitched again. Since when did I become so terrible? The door was opened and a grandfather entered the room. With trembling fingers, he smoothed his uniform. "Oh, my God, Edda. " He hurriedly came to bed.. Lowe stepped aside, but Grandpa ignored him. "What do you do all the time? Do you know if something is broken or you have a concussion?" he asked in a trembling voice. I shrugged my shoulders. As far as I could tell, I was fine. Lowe cleared himself. "I could go find the doctor if you wish." Grandfather nodded boldly, without turning his eyes away from me. His gaze seemed to pierce me, as if he could see what I was missing. A short time later, Harold Lowe returned with the chief physician. He shook hands kindly. "Miss Edda is fine so far. We had to stitch the square wound to the back of the head with a few stitches, but otherwise she's missing nothing. She was very lucky not to have a concussion. " You could feel the anxiety falling away from Grandfather. "If they're well enough, they're free to go. " I nodded and sat up carefully. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and got up. I had to hold on to Grandpa for a moment to find my balance. He grabbed my arm. "I think it's better if you get some rest. " All the way to my apartment, he held me by the arm, as if I had fallen right over. Officer Lowe said goodbye at the bridge. I gave him a wistful look. In my room, I lay down on the bed and quickly fell asleep.

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