You always meet twice

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The next morning, I woke up by muted voices outside my door. A look at my alarm clock showed me it wasn't even eight o'clock. I listened to the voices in front of the door, but I could only understand fragments of words. "Iceberg warning."Nonsense."This ship is unsinkable. " All the alarm bells were ringing in my head and my breath was speeding up. Did the ship hit an iceberg? Did we capsize? Okay, calm down, I'm sure it was just a trivial conversation between officers.  I got up and picked out clothes for the day. I opted for a dark blue, high-cut, long-sleeved dress that turned into a wide skirt at the waist. The hem was decorated with white lace and it was covered with golden tendrils and flowers. I combed my thick black hair and tied it to a braid. Then I left my apartment. I went to the cockpit because I thought my grandfather was there. This area was actually forbidden for passengers, but I knew most of the officers on this ship, as I was often involved in the preparation of the ships, so it didn't bother anyone when I was here. As expected, he was here. He stood in front of the big window and stirred into a cup of tea. There was an officer next to him. He seemed familiar, but I couldn't remember his name. I cleared myself. "Good morning Edda", Grandpa turned to me. The officer also turned around and I froze. That was the one who came to my rescue yesterday when I almost flipped over. "This is Fifth Officer Harold Lowe", Grandfather introduced him. Harold Lowe looked at least as shocked as I did. "Have you met?" Grandpa looked at me questioningly. I hurriedly shook my head and tried to make Lowe understand not to say anything either. He looked at me suspiciously again before turning to his tea again.  Lowe quickly said goodbye before leaving the room in a hurry. Grandfather looked at him in amazement. Late in the morning, I took my pad and a few pens out of my suitcase and went to the promenade to draw on one of the tables. A cool, salty breath of air was blowing around my nose and the sun was just shining from the sky. I spread out my materials on the table and started painting. I was so absorbed in my work, I didn't notice anyone approaching me. I didn't notice Officer Lowe until he was standing right in front of my desk.

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