Getting into a lifeboat

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I promised, but what about Harold? I noticed that the people around me were getting more hectic. Slowly panic seemed to break out. Panic spread in me too. What if I couldn't get off the ship? I pushed myself through the crowd. I thought he was in the lifeboats. I progressed very slowly, as people were wildly confused and no one seemed to pay attention to anyone. "Here's another woman!" Irritated, I looked around for the voice. I was ruthlessly pushed forward. "Come on, Miss." An officer reached out to me and tried to help me in a lifeboat. "No, let go of me!" My heart was beating up to my throat and I was bumping my breath. "Miss, you have to get on that boat now!" "No. " I broke loose. I got a good look at the officer for the first time. It was Charles Lightroller. He seemed to recognize me, too. He shook his head imperceptibly. I had an idea. "Where's Lowe?" I asked him. ‚'I don't think you're going to get on that boat anyway. Lowe is relatively far ahead of the lifeboats on the starboard side."Thank you. " I turned around and pushed myself back through the crowd. I hurried to the starboard side. There were much fewer people here and it seemed to be much calmer and more orderly. From the inside you could hear music and loud voices. Through the windows, I could see that most of the people were inside talking. I stopped briefly. What were those people doing? That ship was going to sink. I rushed forward, and in fact, there was Harold, giving orders to some officers while they were taking off a lifeboat. He turned around for a moment. His gaze stuck on me. He said something to the officers before he came to me. "What are you still doing here?" His voice sounded loud and I recognized the fear in his eyes. I smacked my eyes. "I can't go. I can't leave you and Grandpa here. "You can go and you will go! Edda, I want you to survive no matter what."No, " I looked at him begging. "This ship doesn't have enough lifeboats, more than half the people will drown. " I felt all the color disappearing from my face. I had known that there were not enough lifeboats, but I had not been aware that there were not enough lifeboats. Harold, frightened, opened his eyes and grabbed me by the shoulder. "You're chalk-white", he said in shock. "I'm fine, really", I replied in a trembling voice. "You have to get into a boat!" He pulled me tightly and gave me one last quick kiss on the mouth. "Come with me." Harold grabbed me by the wrists and pulled me to the boats. The officers just occupied a new, half-empty boat. I started to shake. A sob came out of my throat. Edda.Harold took my face in his hands. "Promise me, no matter what, you'll never give up. I love you, Edda. " Tears were streaming down my face. "Everything's going to be all right.Harold " s voice no longer sounded angry but incredibly sad, as if he himself did not believe what he was saying. "Come on, please, a Miss", an officer told me. Harold helped me climb over the railing into the boat. The boat rocked terribly and I got dizzy. Everything blurred into a dark mass. I just heard muted voices. "We need another officer in this boat", someone shouted in a shrill voice, pulling me out of my trance. I opened my eyes again. Our boat had still not been shaved any further. "But we don't have any more officers. Does anyone here know anything about boats? " I heard another officer roar. It had become full again, as people had come outside. The officer looked around. "Anyone? We need a second helmsman on this boat. " No one answered. "I can steer a boat", I heard myself say

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