"Was... was that actually supposed to be intimidating?" 18 asked, stunned. "They usually let their reputation do most of the talking. Which means precious little is actually said when they go up against someone like Vegeta at that moment." Tenjo explained.

(does a fighting pose, accompanied by the audience cheering, which dies down as the camera cuts to Krillin and Gohan, shown to be terrified, and Vegeta, who continues to glare at Recoome)

VEGETA: (narrowing his eyes) Wrestling's fake. (the audience starts booing, with a slight embrance of "you su-diddly-uck" being heard) Oh, go to Hell, all of you! And if it means getting this damn thing over with, then I'm just going to have to kill your ass! Now hit... MY music! ("Step Into The Grand Tour" from DragonBall GT starts playing) 

"I bet Burter played that just to piss him off." Roshi chimed in. "That's not outside the realm of possibility." Vegeta conceded.

VEGETA: Oh, the f**k with this! (powers up and charges at Recoome, punching him into a mountain, removing his scouter in the process, and then charges up two energy blasts on each hand) SUCK IT, JABRONI!

"Hm, someone's cranky." Bulma giggled.

(Vegeta puts both energy blasts in front of himself and fires it at Recoome, causing a huge explosion. Krillin and Gohan are seen ducking their heads due to the magnitude of the attack. The smoke eventually clears out.)

VEGETA: Well... everything went better than expected--

RECOOME: (does a pose while slightly scathed, having lost his armor) You talking more smack, Vegeta?

VEGETA: What?! How could you possibly get up after a hit like that?!

"Infinite stamina," Tien answered. "Unless you physically tear him apart or render him unconscious, a fight with him is practically a never-ending assault. That's definitely going to be a pain." Gohan and Krillin made noises of whole-hearted agreement.

RECOOME: Silly Vegeta, The only thing Recoome sells... is merchandise!

(a bunch of Recoome-themed merchandise pops up on the screen, including a pixelated Recoome-vibrator, which starts vibrating)

"Seriously?" Videl asked, not amused. "Thing is, quite a few people actually bought it," Tenjo revealed. "I didn't need to know that." She responded.

JEICE: Oy, Burter, bet you Recoome don't even leave a body.

BURTER: Please... you already owe me a space soda from our last bet.

JEICE: Well, you still owe me a space burger from the one before that.

(cuts to a Spacey's food commercial)

COMMERCIAL ANNOUNCER: And where can you find all this spectacular space food? At Spacey's. Now with our new Raditz Menu. Spacey's. It's good food, in space.

"What the hell?!" Tien questioned, dumbfounded. "It's an advert. A dishonest one of course. The food's horrible." Tenjo answered.

(cuts to Captain Ginyu delivering all seven Dragon Balls to Frieza)

CAPTAIN GINYU: And one more makes seven!

FRIEZA: Ahh, Ginyu, I should have called you from the beginning.

CAPTAIN GINYU: Thank you, sir. Now, in celebration, I shall commence the Dance of Joy!

"Of course you will." Bardock huffed.

FRIEZA: Oh, no, no, that won't be necessary.

CAPTAIN GINYU: It is entirely necessary!

FRIEZA: (desperately trying to avoid watching Ginyu's dance) Ah, no, really... you don't have to--

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