Chapter 17

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As Bri walked along the sidewalk with her scarred face, but it became hardly noticeable unless if you really forced on her face that's when you would see, but Bri always thinks you need Superman vision to actually see her scars.

So since Brianna turned 15 she has always been seen normal again, but last year when she did get the scars everyone thought she was a freak even her friend group wasn't too fond of her new scars.. 14 was once again another horrible year for her, as she lost her friends and popularity..

Now everyone did see her as a freak, which Bri wasn't fazed by any of that. As she ignored all the insults and abuse, by music. But if someone were to rip that away from her, she would beat the literal shit out of someone. That's why Bri has been suspended for almost the 5th time, which was last year's problem.. But 14 wasn't all that bad, as Bri got her learners! Now she just has to wait until sweet 16 to get her drivers, then nobody can really stop her at that point...

As Bri walked through the hometown she is growing up in, she still thinks back to the hometown she was born in.. Applewood, as that's where the festival her Uncle John and Aunt Grace would take her too every year, but when she was 11 when they were going to the festival.. Well that car crash wasn't planned, or was it?..

As Bri shook all of that out of her head, to which she wasn't watching where she was going so she bumped into something.. As she almost lost her balance and fell backwards, someone caught her. As she cleared her vision she could see a boy, he had light brown hair and green emerald like eyes, he was wearing a dark green shirt he also was wearing a black coat, he was also wearing a grey and blue scarf, he also wore black jeans, then his shoes were a bit of a medium green and they were black besides the bottom of his shoes.

"Woah there miss, you could've taken a fall nobody wants." The boy spoke, as he helped Bri back up.

"Th-Thank you! Oh how rude of me, I'm Brianna but my friends and fam call me Bri." Brianna spoke, as the boy chuckled.

"Well I'm Liu, Liu Woods." Liu spoke as he offered Bri his hand to shake, which Bri did. But his last name Woods.. Is his brother Jeffery Woods?..

"Oh um by the way do you have any siblings, sorry if that's an odd question. But I don't want to assume anything, but do you have a brother named Jeffery Woods?" Bri asked, as Lou's face went pale as snow..

"Y-You know, d-don't you.."

"W-What- ohh, yeah if your asking if he's a serial killer then yes I know that.. Don't tell me your a serial killer too, because I've had some crazy shit happen to me over the years.."

"W-Well yeah my brother is, but I'm not.. I just have someone attached to me, who is.." Liu spoke, as Bri looked up at him more closely.. That's when she noticed he had stitches on his face, they seemed really old.. But the cuts seemed new, as Bri looked closely there still seemed to be fresh blood coming from Liu's wounds..

"Hey Liu, how long have you had these cuts on your face?.."

"O-Oh I thought you didn't notice them, well for along time now.. As my brother did kill both our parents, he tried to kill me.. But that's when Sully helped me, this is why I'm still alive.. If it weren't for him, I'd probably be dead.."

"Shit that's fucked up, well just be glad that someone is trying to make you go insane. Because honestly I don't know how much sanity I have left, after everything that has happened to me over the 5 years.."

"Well I'm just warning you, there's more coming I don't like it when he wants to have more Proxies by his side.. But I'm stuck with him, and my brother.. God I wish I stayed being alone wolf, but just be careful because I don't know when we'll meet next.. But just because, Sully isn't a nice guy and he won't give you an easy time.. Just be careful, please for me?" Liu asked Bri, which Brianna nodded which Liu hugged Bri which caught her off guard but she accepted the hug.

"You won't be so lucky Bri, I'm coming to haunt your dreams tonight!~" Liu spoke, which made Bri uncomfortable but then she remembered what Liu said.. Sully isn't a nice person, so Bri was guessing this guy here wasn't Liu but yet it's Sully.. As Liu let Bri go, as Bri stepped back as Liu was fighting his inner demon Sully..

"FUCK! I can't hold him back for long, Bri run don't let him see where you live!!" Liu yelled out to Bri, as Bri stepped back and nodded.

As Brianna began to run for her dear life, she took the alleyways home so Sully can't find here.. But once Bri didn't hear anybody running after her, she slowed down into a walk. "God why can't even the people I meet be normal human beings, all I want is to be an ordinary girl I want to live my life and have kids when I'm older!! Isn't that too hard to ask for, god these days it seems to be a lot!" Bri spoke out to nobody in particular, as Bri heard rustling in the bush beside her..

She froze as she turned to the bush, to see a little white kitten. A pure white kitten, with a blue eye and a yellow eye. As Bri stopped looked around and saw no one, she knelt down and started to pet the little soft fuzzy kitten. As Bri found no collar or anything that anyone owns this kitten, Bri decided to take the kitten home. As the little feline seemed hungry and thirsty, as Bri had the little kitten in her arms the little feline friend seemed so small compared to other kittens.

As Bri made it home, Brianna went on YouTube to figure out on how to make homemade cat food. Once she found a video, she noticed that she also had all the ingredients. Which Bri was relieved as she didn't want to go outside after what happened with Liu/Sully, plus it's probably too dangerous for her to go outside as Sully could be tracking her down right now.. So it was best to keep this little pure white kitten inside, and feed the little feline.

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