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Song for this chapter (The Very Thought of You, Billie Holiday)

For the past three months, life has never felt so good. My relationship with Evangelene has taken a right turn to the love-filled, passion-oriented, earth-shattering orgasms smooth silky road. Since my fuck up with Charlotte, I've been extra careful with what goes into my body, especially when I didn't feel too good.

I tried to reason with Paige to give her her job back because it wasn't her fault but she's been adamant. I dropped the topic after she threatened to do something unmentionable to me.

Right now, I was on my way to see the woman who had single-handedly changed my whole life trajectory and turned it into something worth living.

I thought I was living the good life before but now, with her in it, I've realized how wrong I was. It's like I was looking at life through a magnifier, everything looks clearer, bigger, and easier.

Today was finally here, I decided to ask her to be Mrs. St. Laurent. Paige, Desiree, and Melanie helped me plan this evening, everything had to be perfect because my baby deserved nothing but the best. I hid the nervousness that had started creeping up again, I've been feeling so nervous that I almost backed out tonight.

I had planned this evening since that dreadful night and it had taken me three months to finally muster the courage so I couldn't afford any nerves going haywire. Besides, those death threats from Paige weren't something I would want to take lightly.

I got to her house and the security let me through. To her knowledge, we were all going out for a fundraising event. I got out of the car and entered the living room. Desiree was seated on the couch dressed up in a red multi-layered floral dress having what looked like an argument with Melanie, who was looking great in a red satin dress with a high slit.

"What's so difficult about your part?", she said in a firm tone.

"The difficult part is what excuse should I come up with?" Melanie replied in a tone matching Desiree's.

Desiree released an over-exaggerated sigh and slumped her shoulders as if she was carrying the whole world's troubles. "Hi Genevieve, welcome, mom will be down soon", she said without even lifting her head.  

"How did you know I was here"? I asked, confusion coating every word.

"Just because I didn't lift my head doesn't mean I didn't feel your presence, plus, you're wearing my mom's favorite perfume and I could smell it before you got out of your car", she replied.

"Hello Melanie, what seems to be the problem?"

"Nothing I can't handle. I was trying to frustrate this little angel here", she replied and pinched Desiree's left cheek which she replied with a facial expression that was both a scowl and anger.

I didn't know what to say to whatever was going on, so I went to sit on her right and have a small chat before we left. I looked at the adorable kid sitting beside me and couldn't wait to have her and Evangelene in my house. How lucky am I?

She finally looked at me from the top of my head to my feet and nodded at my appearance, which consisted of a sequined see-through halter neck jumpsuit paired with a pair of strappy beige heels. I chuckled at how a five-year-old could experience frustration in the first place, let alone think a grown-up was the cause of it.

"Hey, you. What is Melanie doing to you?"

She looked over to Melanie and rolled her eyes before answering. "She just doesn't understand simple instructions. I mean what's so difficult about making a simple excuse for bailing out on you and my mum before we get to the venue?" she whispered.

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