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Song for this chapter (BLANK SPACE, Taylor Swift)


3 months later

It's been three months since that blissful night. Desirée had a fantastic fifth birthday. Genevieve gave her a state-of-the-art private computer lab, filled with quality, high-tech gadgets. Which was my idea in the first place, but Genevieve stole it. I had to find something else to give to my daughter, I mean, what could top this off?

The basement was now named Desi's Private Lab. You needed to book an appointment before you had the chance to go in, well, except me. I could go there as much as I wanted.

I must say I was a bit jealous when she started spending more time there than with me, but, it was all for her future. At five, she spoke and acted like she was twenty times her age. So for her birthday gift, I decided we should create something together, just the two of us. So, we decided to build our own robot, a drone, and a mini car she could drive herself. She said she didn't want a store-bought toy.

For the past two months, anytime I had some free time on my hands, I found myself in her lab helping her build all the things we listed. Work has been a bit hectic, with Christmas just around the corner. We were now in mid-November. Halloween was amazing, we all went trick or treat together. It was easy because of our costumes, no one knew who we were.

Our family theme was "Superheroes". Either from the Justice League or Avengers. Paige was Black Widow, Mel was Captain Marvel, Desi was in a miniature iron man costume, Walter was Spider man, Genevieve was Wasp and I was dressed in Miss Potts costume in Endgame. We looked great.

"Ma'am, your meeting starts in two minutes", Mel said through the intercom.

"Alright, thank you. I'll be there soon", I replied. Mel was still in the 'ma'am' mode, and I have learned to ignore her.

I was meeting with some of the executives to discuss the annual Christmas event the hotel hosted every year. Since there wouldn't be snow this Christmas, I thought we could have a winter theme, with snow and all the rest.

Mel came in, took everything I would need for the meeting and took the lead with me following closely behind.

We got into the conference room and got to work immediately my ass made contact with the chair.

After about an hour and a half, we were through, and we were all in tune with the idea.

"Our hotel has the best customers in the whole of California. Almost all of them bring their kids and other family members along for their Christmas stay. We have to make sure they have and get the best from us. What is Christmas without snow? Kids love snow, so what do we do if we don't get to have snow this Christmas? We find snow. Everything we need to do to make sure our customers are happy, we have to do it. Let's live by our motto, doing good things for good people. Any questions?.... If not, then, let's get to work". I dismissed everyone and left for my office.

We needed all the time we could get to make this plan work. I ran a huge hotel plus resort, and these kinds of buildings needed months for planning and execution, but, since we had barely three weeks left, we had to make sure all hands were on deck.

"Mel, start making calls, I need the best of the best Christmas planners in my office by tomorrow morning. We need to get this ball rolling", I told Mel when we got to my office.

"Yes ma'am. Right away", she said and left.

I grabbed my phone and called home. I had to check up on Desi. We decided to keep Sonia, not just for Desi but for me as well. She was now my make-up artist and she worked miracles. Much to Desi's disappointment, she had to stay.

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