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Song for this chapter (CALIFORNIA DREAMIN', Sia)


Tuesday morning, I couldn't find a decent babysitter. I did some research on the internet and found amazing daycares which run 24/7. The only issues I have is their tuition and location. Most of them are in Beverly Hills and its surroundings.

I couldn't afford it now, but maybe in three to five months, I could. And that would mean, I'll have to suspend the apartment search. I informed Lizzy, Desi's math teacher, a week ago, to look around her neighborhood for available places for me. She lives close to the daycare. It would be a huge relief if I'm able to get it. I could easily get a babysitter in that neighborhood.

"Come on, Desi. It's time to go", she's been in her room for almost fifteen minutes.

"I am coming mama, give me one minute", she said.

What? Oh goodness, this girl. Does she even know what a minute is? Well, she is growing. I can't believe it's almost five years. Just a few more weeks or days to go. I didn't even know what I was going to do for her birthday.


"I'm here mama". I looked at my daughter, who insisted she would dress herself today, wearing her full ballet attire, holding a purple purse and her fairy wand.

"Baby? What are you wearing?" I asked trying not encourage her due to how cute she was looking.

"I'm a ballerina. I want to dance for Theo at school", she said with her cute ass smile. Fuck. Theo.

"Baby, we are not going to school today".

"Why mama?"

"Well, you have to be a brave girl for what I'm about to tell you alright?"


"Theo is going for a family trip. So we won't be seeing them for a long time", I said.

"What? Titty is gone? But, he said we will be friends forever", she said on the verge of crying.

"Princess, don't cry. I promise we will see them soon okay? I'll make more money, and then we will take a plane and go visit them okay".

"Pinky promise mama?" She asked showing me her little finger, ready for me to make a promise. Damn. I don't break promises, looks like I'll have to work extra to be able to make enough money for a trip to fucking France.

"I pinky promise my love", I said and we made a pinky swear. "Now let's go see Thea and aunt Melanie okay".

"Yay, aunt Mel said she will give me a princess make up on my face", she said jumping about.
I asked her if she wanted to change, and she said no, she would still dance for the people at the diner. Oh, they are in for great entertainment today.

I locked the doors and we left for the bus stop. Walter was already there when we got to work, he looked extremely happier than usual.

"Hey, Walt. Sup? You look good", I said.

"I feel good. You can never guess what happened to me yesterday", he said trying to hold back a smile but failed miserably.

"I can take a few guesses?"

"Really? Enlighten me then madame".

I shrugged and said. "You and Mel are together".

"What!? How!? Wait, she told you didn't she?"

"Walter, who gave you the advice to make a move?" I didn't wait for him to answer. "I did. And who told you about her discrete interest? Again, that was me. Plus, I saw you waiting for her yesterday after we closed. So I put two and two together and then bam".

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