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Song for this chapter (BADASS WOMAN, Meghan Trainor)


I thought it would be weird being at the hotel as the new manager, but it was quite the contrary. Everyone and everything seemed normal. Except for the fact that most of the staff seemed to be walking on eggshells around me. I guess the small show I gave on Friday was still fresh in their minds.

The rest of the week was eventful. I had a personal meeting with the employees on Friday, where I got to know their positions and names. Almost all of them were embracing to the idea of having a female as their new manager and not Finn. Well, except Finn, who was acting as manager when Remi left.

Finn Gunderson. He was a good looking guy, in his early 30's. He had black hair, which looked like he belonged to a boy band. He had dimples and a dashing smile, but he had a rude behavior. He had a way of talking that showed how low someone was to him. I hated that kind of attitude.

We had a little argument on Friday, when he tried to make me feel inferior at the meeting. Keyword was tried. I showed him I wasn't one of those ladies that fell for his charms. I think that's why most of the staff were acting that way. 


"Thank you all for joining me here today for this impromptu meeting. I just want to make sure that I wasn't mixing anyone's position. I know I have a list of everyone's names and what you do here, but I need to have a face with the name. This won't be long. When I mention your name, you just lift your  hand. Is that okay?" I asked them when we all got comfortable in the conference room.

The conference room was very spacious, so it was able to occupy all the hotel staff.
I started with the "roll call". It went well, I got to know my  employees.

"Alright, looks like that's everyone. I'm glad I got to do this", I begun after I called the last name. "I want everyone to be as you were with Remi, me being here doesn't change anything, except for the fact that I'm not Remi...".

"Clearly!", the man who was sat on my left mumbled. I heard me him clearly because he was close to me.

"Excuse me, do you have something to say?" I asked him with a calm tone.

"Not really. But could you like rap it up? Some of us have actual work to do than to sit here and do nothing", he replied with a smug smile, feeling proud for talking to me that way.

I chuckled at him. "Listen, um...what's your name again?"

His smile faltered when I asked that. "Finn. Finn Gunderson".

"Right, Finn. In case you didn't get the memo, I'm the new manager, I demand the same respect I give to you. If you think you can't handle me being here, then I suggest you clean out your office and get out", I told him still in the calm tone.

He looked offended. "Who do you think you are? You have no right to talk to me like that".

The room was so quiet you could hear the sound of a pin if I were to drop one on the floor. This guy was starting to wind me up, and I was going to put him in his place.

"Finn, Finn, Finn. You really need to know your place here. I can't and won't tolerate such attitude from you or anyone here. I'm going to make this clear once and for all, if you ever, ever, use that tone with me again, you're going to wish you never met me. I may look young and all, but I won't accept any disrespect just because you are older. Do I make myself clear?" I was glaring daggers at him now, but I still kept my cool.

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