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Song for this chapter (GOOD TO YOU, Calum Scott)


"Mr. Julio, please, I have a sick mother and a daughter to take care of. I really need this extra money. Please".
Wait what? She has a daughter? She didn't look like a mum. And a sick mother too. My heart broke at the prospect of her being so young and having such responsibilities.  My thoughts were interrupted by this Mr. Julio.

"Listen Evangelene, that's not the reason I called you out here, even though I really wanted to do some deductions, I had to add more instead. This is $5000. The rest are getting half of what I'm giving you. It is a charity event after all. Also, I think you would need it".
Hm, was this guy interested in her? I didn't know why, but that thought made me angry.

"Is everything all right? Why are you giving me double the amount? Also, even though I really need it, I don't want to be taken for a charity case. I would like to go back and work to earn what I deserve, please".

Hm, proud too. What does this girl have that I hate. Nothing.

"I don't think you'd want to go back inside after you hear what I'm about to tell you. A Miss Lucinda called. She said your mother passed out this afternoon after you left, she called the ambulance but it was too late. I'm sorry but you have to go home. I'll let the driver drop you off. It's hard getting cabs in this kind of neighborhood".

Too late? As in dead? She did say she had a sick mother to take care of earlier. Well looks like she wouldn't have to worry about hospital bills again.
Since the death of my family, I realized it was inevitable. Death! So whenever I heard of someone dying, I just took it as part of nature and moved on.

I lifted my eyes and looked at Evangelene. She just stood there, looking at her opened hand which had a white envelope and a phone. I moved a little bit closer. I still had to apologize for my behavior earlier. Before I could say anything, the driver came to ask if she was ready. She said nothing, she just walked into the car and sat at the back.

The driver turned to ask her something but I was too far to hear what he was saying. He kept talking for about two minutes before I saw her lift her head up and said something to him. The car's  engine revved up to life and they left.

I don't know what came over me, but before I realized, I was in a black Lexus following them. The car entered a really shitty looking neighborhood. San Diego ghetto. The kind that had drug addicts and alcoholics running around. Crime rates increasing every fucking hour. She can't be living in place like this if she had a daughter.

Now that she mentioned it, could it be that the little girl, Desirée was hers? Because the had the same eyes color, and unique names as well. If so, then I've hit a jackpot.
What!? Who says that? And why a jackpot? You are not interested remember?

Oh just shut up! The car stopped in front of a small house. This house needed a total renovation. The paint, which I think was once white, was now brown, and it had graffiti art all over it. Was that her house? I saw her get inside. I parked and waited for her to come out, which I knew she would, because the driver was still waiting outside.

She finally came out thirty minutes later. She seemed surprised to see the driver there. She spoke for some few seconds and she got back into the car and they left. I started the car and followed them.

Why I was following her was a mystery to me. I mean, I didn't know her, the only sentence I said to her ended up being an insult. And here I was following her like I've known her all my life and I just wanted to make sure she was okay. I looked around and saw an apartment building, it looked like it would crumble to the ground in seconds. The people living in there were really holding it together. I'm sure a jump from inside someone the building would bring everything down.

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