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Song for this chapter (BLINDED BY LOVE, David Guetta ft Sia)


Paige and I tried calling her number but her phone was off. I was a bit glad and sad at the same time. Glad because, I wasn't ready to speak to her. Sad because her phone was off. I don't understand the mixed feeling I was having at the moment.

"It's lunch time, she might be busy. You know how that place gets at this time. Let's try again tomorrow morning okay", Paige said, finishing her third glass.

"Sure. But I'll need you to talk to her for me okay". I told her.

She shook her head. "Nope. It's your company and you will call her".

"Please Paige", I pleaded.


"Pretty please".


"I'll love you forever".


"I'll buy you more sex toys".


"I'll give me my Louboutins".


"I'll give you one of my fur coats".

"No. Wait which one?"

I knew I got her now. "The one with the chinchilla fur".

She tapped her fore finger on her chin thinking. She sighed. "Fine, I'll talk to her for you. But I'll need the fur first".

"Done. We could go home and I'll give it to you. Is that okay?" I asked her.

"Yup", she said popping the 'p'.

"But, she shouldn't know you're the one talking. I'm sure she still hates me for what I did. So don't tell her your name, just schedule the appointment for Wednesday morning at 10am".

She smiled. "Okay, whatever you say. But why on Wednesday though?"

"You will call her tomorrow. She could ask for permission from work and have Wednesday off for us".

"Oh okay. I'm starving. Have you eaten? And I didn't want to say anything earlier, but are you okay? You look pale", she said putting her hand on my forehead.

"I don't know, I don't feel very good. Maybe it's because I haven't eaten anything since morning".

"Bambi, you're burning up. Come on let's get you home", she called Mike and told him to cancel all my appointments for the rest of the day and for tomorrow as well. She then packed my laptop, tablet and my folder into my bag and called Bob to get the cars and the guys ready for home.
"Come on, let's get going. I'll call Dr. Wayne to come over when we get inside the car, okay".

I just nodded feeling cold all of a sudden. Looks like the excitement from knowing about Evangelene didn't allow me to realize how sick I was actually feeling.

We made our way to my elevator and we used her card and her pin. We reached the lobby and everyone was staring at us. Paige had her arms around me and my head was on her shoulder. I lifted my head and everyone averted their eyes and went back to what they were doing.

"Hi, Miss St. Laurent. My name is Grace, I'm the new receptionist. I was hired just this morning", a bubbly girl, with huge eye glasses and red hair said. She was smiling so wide, I wondered if her jaws were not hurting.

"Nice to have you here", I said and Paige guided us out of the opened doors into my car. She would be driving.

"What's wrong with her?" I heard Bob asking Paige.

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