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Song for this chapter (Calling My Spirit, Kodak Black)

After Paige forcefully shoved some soup into my mouth, Dr. Wayne gave me what I needed to get me through the night in one piece. The headache felt worse than when I initially woke up so he injected another drug into the drip that was currently flowing into my veins.

"This is going to relieve the pain faster, it's going to knock you out for some hours. Get some rest I will see you tomorrow", he said and left.

"Okay, you heard the man. Close your eyes and let sweet sleep engulf you, I'll be here when you wake up okay", Paige said and kissed me on my forehead.

I felt my body giving way to the drugs, my limbs felt weaker and my entire body felt like I was floating. I closed my eyes and that was it, I was sucked deep into the snares of sleep. I was in Paige's bedroom and I saw myself taking off my clothes. It was like I was watching a movie. I sat on her bed and watched what was about to happen.


I turned at the mention of my name, but all I saw were blurred visions of someone who looked like my green-eyed empress. "Evangelene is that you? Come closer I can't see you".

"I missed you so much baby, I knew you were gonna come. Now, why don't we continue our lovemaking session", I whispered and kissed her hard.

I pushed her head back and nibbled on her neck, she dragged out a low moan, and a growl escaped my mouth. "I want you to eat me out, but let's do that in the bathroom. I've always wanted to do that", I said and pulled her into the bathroom.

I turned and realized she had taken her dress off, I could see two silhouettes. Damn it, I wanted to see her clearly and washing my face only seemed to worsen it. She walked toward me and knelt before me.
Before I could get any coherent words out, she buried her face between my thighs and ate my pussy as if her life depended on it.

It felt amazing, what she was doing with her tongue and mouth, but I still couldn't shake off the voice deep inside that said this was so wrong. Was it because we were doing it in Paige's house? Then, all of a sudden, I felt it, a great sense of guilt gnawing at my flesh trying to come to the surface, and a presence so strong it was like I was face to face with the supernatural.

The presence was slowly turning my head in its direction, it succeeded, but what or rather who I saw cleared the effect of all sensations in one sweep.

I didn't know if I was still seeing double, so I turned back to the kneeling body before me and saw Charlotte, Paige's assistant, and back to see Evangelene in all her naked glory, looking so hurt I could feel it scratching at my insides, making my stomach churn in ways that couldn't be explained.

"Ahem, I'm sorry to interrupt your um...thing. I have to go", she said and rushed out of the bathroom.

I rushed out to stop her but she was at the door with Paige. She looked above her head, eyes widened, and Evangelene ran past her. I followed suit but Paige stopped me by grabbing my upper arm and she hurled me with so much force that I hit my head against the leg of the bed when I fell. All I heard was "get the fuck out, I don't want to see you at work on Monday. You're fired", before everything went dark.

I was still sitting on the bed watching as Paige frantically tried to wake me up after she called for an ambulance. I looked away from the blood that was gradually pooling underneath my head. I couldn't believe what I saw, although I wished for it to be a nightmare, I knew it wasn't. It was the unforgiving thing I did that was coming back to me. I got out of Paige's bedroom and walked away as the EMTs carried my unconscious body out.

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