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Song for this chapter ( CROSS ME, Ed Sheeran ft PnB Rock AND Chance The Rapper)


I did it. I finally did it. I told her how I've been feeling these past few months. Although, I must say this wasn't the answer I was expecting. Yes or no would have been good, but fainting? Nope, didn't even cross my mind.

After we left the police station in Miami and went back home, I did a lot of work to get me occupied. The next day, Paige decided she wanted to enjoy the beach, I was hesitant, but Jasper said it would be fun to get out of the house for a while.

We actually had fun. On Saturday we went for another party, it was a birthday party for one of Jasper's friends. Rachel was still trying to wrap her head around everything that happened on Thursday. She said time was the only thing she needed, so we gave her space.

On Sunday, Rachel seemed a bit okay. She joined us to the beach then, after cooked dinner for all of us. Through all the fun and outings, I still couldn't get Evangelene out of my head. Even after Paige and I drowned ourselves with two full bottles of wine, I still couldn't get her out, it actually got worse. I had a dream about her, and it wasn't the good kind of dream. Nope, it was the dirty, naughty and wetting kind.

That was when I realized fully that, I had to make her mine at all cost, and Monday was the day for that. I made a promise to myself and I intended to keep it. So, on Monday we left very early from Miami. Paige was more excited than I was, she even wanted to come with me to see Evangelene, but I declined and she accepted with me promising to tell her everything.

Now, here I was standing over an unconscious goddess. As much as I loved watching her in this sleepy state, I didn't want her to be like this. I wanted to see her beautiful green eyes so bad and also wanted to hear her answer. I grabbed the bottle of water on the table and sprinkled a bit on her beautiful face.

She slowly gained consciousness and looked around until her eyes met mine. She had a tiny smile playing around the corners of her luscious lips. "I wasn't dreaming?" she asked.

I smiled at what her. "No, you weren't".

She got up from her sleeping position and sat upright in the couch. I gave her a tissue to clean her face. She took it and muttered a thank you and dabbed it on her face. I sat down beside her again and waited patiently for her. Goodness! What has gotten into me. I've never been this patient. I snapped my attention to her when she cleared her throat.

She took in a deep breath before talking. "I don't know what to say. I mean, you are beautiful, successful, kind, sophisticated, caring, and above all loving, even though you try to hide it, I still see it. Any woman would love to be with you, and you can also get any other woman you want, but why me?"

I had goosebumps all around from the little she just said, especially when she didn't say anything about not being gay. "Why not you? I want you, I've always wanted you and it's not just because you're beautiful, you make me feel things I've never ever felt before. I know most people would say its cliche, but not to me, because if I've been in love before, then it would be different. I haven't. All I want from you is the word 'yes', to give me a chance to experience the good and the bad, beautiful and ugly, sweet and sour parts of love with you. You and your daughter, I want us to be together forever. Yesterday, I knew if you weren't a part of my life, then I didn't want to have a life at all. Evangelene, I love you".

She looked so awe struck I started to panic. Maybe I went too far. Or I was right about her not liking girls. Or does she see me to be too old? Or too bossy? Please, don't let it be any of the above.

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