The doctor will cook for you now

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When you made your way into the kitchen, you were happily greeted by the sight of Loki standing at the stove, still thankfully shirtless. You stood at the doorframe, watching him with a small smile on your face as he lowly sang along to the radio he had turned on. Stepping towards him, you wrapped your arms around his torso, rocking slowly as you sang along to the familiar song. At the back of your mind, you knew this was far too intimate but the rest of you, the majority loved this. This was perfect. Great sex, hot shower and now delicious smelling food. This couldn't be any better.

Feeling you wrap your arms around him, Loki instantly felt relaxed. He turned the heat off as he swayed with you slightly, turning to kiss your temple. He couldn't explain the feeing he felt being so close to you, so intimate. The feelings he had exceeded sex, lust, pure carnal desire. He wanted you, he knew that already, he knew that he wanted you physically when you first walked into his office, and yet he still found himself craving you deeper as if being completely buried in you, twice, wasn't enough. He turned around completely, wrapping his arms around you as he kissed you. This was something he wanted again, he needed again. He needed you.

You needed him. Your body craved him. Your soul felt connected to his. You giggled into the kiss when Loki picked you up, seating you on the counter before opening the cupboard near your head and taking out two bowls. He shared out two bowls of what looked like carbonara before handing you one with a fork.

"Bon Appétit." He grinned, standing between your legs with his own bowl in hand. "Tell me what you honestly think and remember I don't take criticism well." He joked, watching you as you gathered up some of the food onto your fork. Taking the forkful, you hummed approvingly as you swallowed. It was delicious.

"You really can cook." You praised.

"Why thank you." He smiled widely, taking his own forkful.

"I could get used to this." You spoke, taking another forkful as you looked down at your bowl.

"I hope you do." Loki answered absentmindedly, mentally scolding himself when you glanced up at him. "I—um—that sounded weird." He laughed nervously "I just meant I'd like the opportunity to cook for you again."

"I'd like that too." You beamed.

You both continued eating, laughing with one another whenever Loki added a bit more cracked pepper as well as cheese to both your bowls insisting that the tiny splash of added flavour made the biggest difference. The radio continued playing quietly in the background and for a while it was just you, Loki and the low music. When you both finished, Loki took the bowls, leaving them in the sink before he made his way back towards you. His hands found your thighs, caressing them with his thumbs as he looked up at you with an unreadable expression.

"Y/n." He began, taking a deep breath. "There's just one problem."

This was it, the thing that brought you back to reality, the fracture in the perfect life you had stupidly spent the past twenty minutes planning in your head. This was it, it was over.

"I knew it." You sighed inwardly, mostly talking to yourself as you eased off of the counter.

"Wait." Loki spoke, holding you in place although now you were slightly closer to him. "I can't be your therapist anymore because I want to get to know you properly." He continued, shaping your face with one of his hands whilst the other held your hand. "Romantically, not professionally and in order to do that I can't be your therapist."

You sighed a breath of relief.

"That's understandable." You agreed.

"But I'll always be here to help and I know a really good therapist who'd be happy to continue your therapy" He spoke, bringing your hand to his lips.

"I've probably screwed them." You sighed again, thinking out loud causing Lokis eyes to widen slightly.

"It's a woman."

Confused, you looked up at him blankly.


"Okay." He smiled, echoing your words.

Once you both finished eating, Loki offered you stay the night again until tomorrow where he'd help you find a key for your apartment before he went to work. As you laid nestled against him, Loki kissed the top of your head before looking up at the ceiling. For the first time In a long time, he felt whole again. Like he belonged again. Like his house wasn't just this huge mansion, it was a cozy den fit to size.

When the next day came, as promised, Loki helped you retrieve a key which you managed to get from Bucky's apartment after visiting him. When you arrived home, you felt like a child, giggling as you hugged your pillow thinking about Loki. When he messaged you asking whether you'd like to come for dinner again tomorrow, you jumped at the chance. For the first time, in a long time, you felt like everything was going to be okay, you felt wanted, properly cared for.

Loki put you in touch with a new therapist who you thankfully hadn't slept with and who was very patient, understanding and overall amazing. She was definitely helpful and you got on with her quickly. As promised, Loki was with you every step of the way. When you both began officially dating, things got even better. Life felt complete again.

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