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Arriving home, Loki put his bag down before looking at himself in the mirror in his hallway. He ran his fingers over the frame of his glasses before a small smile pulled at his lips. After you had tightened them, he found himself not needing to readjust them on his face. He found himself wanting to leave them on remembering your concentrated expression as you altered them. Leaving them on, he walked over towards the kitchen before pulling out a few ingredients including some chicken that he left out to thaw whilst he showered and changed. Once he was back, he played some music whilst he quickly whipped up a stir fry. Settling down, he ate that as well as a glass of wine. This was him unwinding.

Once he was finished, he loaded his dishwasher before his phone rang. Picking it up, he saw her name flash over his screen. He found his face heating up, not knowing what he'd say. He hadn't spoken to her in what felt like forever and he wasn't sure what he'd say or if there was even anything more that needed to be said. Before the phone rang out, he quickly answered it, running a hand through his hair as if she could see him.

"Hello." He answered evenly, feigning nonchalance.

"Can we talk?" She asked.

"Yes." He nodded, again as if she could actually see him.

"I'll come to yours?" She offered.

"I'll see you soon then." He spoke before ending the call.

Loki waited eagerly for her to arrive. It felt like forever since he had a guest let alone one he had shared a past with. About an hour later, he heard the doorbell ring, she had arrived.

Bucky dropped you to the garage to pick your car up before driving behind you as you drove back home. You spent the rest of the day getting ready for the night ahead. Your parents, although estranged, still hosted the best galas which they always extended an invitation to you for. You had asked Bucky to come along with you with the promise of a free bar and an insight to how the supposed elite lived. He agreed, even renting a tux to wear. You wore the dress your mother had sent you along with a hand written note from Donatella herself. Shimmying into the dress, you already wished for the night to be over.

You and Bucky made your own way towards the mansion where the gala was being held. Your car was valeted whilst you both walked inside instantly being hit with the scent of expensive perfume and champagne. You grimaced when you caught eyes with your mother who smiled at you from across the room. How she was able to see you was a mystery. Deciding you'd ignore her presence completely, you dragged Bucky towards the bar where you ordered some drinks and spent the majority of the night. Wise, your parents decided they wouldn't disturb you.

"I need to go to the toilet." You said, standing up and slightly swaying on your feet.

"Mmm." Bucky hummed in response, sipping his drink.

On your way, you moved through the crowd feeling as if you were floating. The music was loud in your ears causing you to close your eyes as you lazily smiled, shaking your hips.

"Hey." You heard in your ear as two hands made their way onto your body. Turning your head slightly, your eyes met with those of Stephens, the head surgeon from the practice your parents were donors for. You had spoken to him before, a few times, even shared a bed before and occasionally a wall.

"Hiii." You slurred in reply, falling back against him as you continued to dance.

"Haven't seen you somewhere like this in a while." He remarked, hands finding your hips.

"Because I hate things like this, wanna take me someplace quieter?"

He grinned in response.

Loki stood with his back to Darcy as he waited for the kettle to boil. He could feel her eyes on the back of him but no words were exchanged between them. Now that she was here, he felt a deep buried anger rising through him. She left, he didn't force her out and now she was back and he wasn't fighting her away. Perhaps he was that lonely that he'd settle for unwanted company as opposed to none.

"Here." He said, handing her the tea which she took.

"Thank you." Darcy answered.

"So what did you want to speak about?"

"I wanted to say I'm sorry." She answered honestly. A mirthless laugh passed his lips as he lent back against the kitchen counter.

"Sorry? Sorry for what? For leaving or not returning any of my calls or for breaking up with me over the phone?" He spat, surprising even himself with his tone.

"Loki." She exhaled, putting her tea down as she stepped towards him "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Course not." He answered sarcastically before she put her hands on his cheeks.

"It wasn't that simple Loki."

Your head hit the wall behind you as Stephen thrusted into you causing you to grip his shoulders as your legs tightened around him. He continued moving in and out of you, using his grip on you to move you up and down his shaft. He bit his lip, concentrated on cumming.

"Kiss me." You spoke through gritted teeth. Reaching forwards, Stephen kissed you sloppily as he continued moving in and out of you. You moaned into the kiss, feeling yourself quickly approaching your orgasm.

One of his hands gripped your cheeks before he crashed his lips onto yours again before the door knocked. Turning around, you faced the door as it opened. Stephen quickly pulled out of you, doubling over as he scrambled to pull his trousers up.

"Home now." Christine spoke, cutting her eye at you.

Before he could let his rational mind take over, Loki was kissing Darcy as he lifted her onto the counter. Her hands lifted his top, pulling it over his head as he stood between her legs. He pulled her panties down under her skirt before opening her legs further. Quickly he thrusted inside of her, revelling in the feeling of being buried inside. Embarrassingly quickly, his hips stuttered as he ejaculated.

"It's just—it's been a while." He excused, catching his breath as he pulled out of her.

When you finally reached home in an Uber as opposed to your car alone after Bucky left, thankfully avoiding your parents the whole night, you kicked your heels off before near tearing the the expensive dress off of yourself. You went into the bathroom before plugging the bath and turning the taps on. Once it was full, you made your way into it, feeling yourself sobering up as you soothed your skin with the hot water. It felt like a warm embrace as opposed to hot water scolding your body. You sniffled as you cupped some water before splashing your face with it, mascara already running down it. You couldn't fight the flood gates that opened as you sat in the bath sobbing.

Once Darcy had left with the promise that she and Loki would speak properly soon, he made his way into the shower. His mind ran over the events of the day including his session with you. Where do you go he thought again before he gasped, skin reacting to the temperature of the water as he realised how hot it was. Quickly turning the water to cold, he soothed his skin, releasing a deep breath. Above all else, he was excited for his next session with you.

Once you were out of the bath and laying in your bed, your mind drifted to the thought of your earlier session with Loki. Perhaps you would open up in the future, he seemed as if he generally cared. Regardless, you were excited for your next session with him.

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