Just dinner

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It was the day before your next appointment with Dr Laufeyson and you were looking forward to it. After your previous session, you thought about you and Curtis' relationship even more and you wanted to finally tell your side to it. Curtis made it out as if you were overreacting and even went as far as to say you were crazy but you weren't, you didn't imagine the things he did. That was the thing about Curtis, he was a manipulative bastard. As well as thinking about him, you thought about your previous therapists and the conclusions they drew. One said that the cause of your many sexual partners was an attempt at getting back at Curtis. After a laugh, you left the clinic and never returned to it again. You wondered what conclusion Dr Laufeyson would draw to make you decide to never see him again either.

"It's just dinner, I wanna celebrate the progress you've made so far." Bucky insisted. If only he had known that you hadn't made half as much progress he was convinced you had. Ignorance is bliss, that's what you thought when you saw his excited expression.

"Fine" you huffed "you can take me to dinner."

"Great, now put on something nice."

"I always look nice." You answered with mock affront.

After having to work overtime during the past week, Loki had the day off and decided he'd take Darcy out so that they could properly discuss their situation. Since she had been back, they had sex once which was the first night she arrived and since then, they'd hadn't gone beyond lingering touches. Loki knew it was better that they talk before they rushed back into anything and to be honest, he enjoyed the company. Sometimes when he'd arrive home from work, Darcy would already be there and making dinner. She never stayed the night but just knowing someone was there whilst he unwinded from his day was comforting. It also gave him someone to talk to.

Despite all their talking, they still hadn't gotten to the crux of why they had separated in the first place, why she left. He didn't know whether she was simply just ignoring it or if she didn't want to be the first one to bring it up. Maybe she was embarrassed or simply didn't care enough and wanted to move on. Either way, Loki decided he'd bring it up at dinner tonight.

Around two hours later, you and Bucky arrived at the restaurant. You walked alongside him, arms linked as you made your way in. You decided you'd wear a black cocktail dress along with some heels considering that Bucky was dressed so formally too. Standing at the entryway, you looked around at the surroundings. The place was beautiful and definitely high end. You hated when Bucky spent his money on you for things like this. There's a huge difference between ordering a pizza and paying for you both to dine somewhere so clearly expensive. Every time something like this happened, you tried to pay him back but he always refused so you instead decided on ordering the cheapest items on the menu, tonight would be no different.

"Good evening sir, reservation?" The waiter greeted.

"Evening, yes under the name James Barnes." Bucky answered.

"Right this way sir."

You both followed the waiter to the table that was nicely set up for two. Bucky pulled a chair out for you to sit in before tucking you in and taking his own seat. Glancing over at one of the tables next to yours, you overheard an older looking couple whispering something about young love. You could have puked.

"Can we see the drinks menu please." Bucky asked.

"Of course." The waiter said before handing one to each of you as well as a food menu. "Would you like to order your drinks now?"

"What would you like doll?" Bucky asked, putting the menu down as he looked at you.

"I'm not really thirsty, a water will be fine thanks." You answered looking at the waiter.

"She'll have a glass of the house wine and I'll take a beer please." Bucky ordered for you.

"I'll be back with your drinks." The waiter said before walking towards the bar.

"You didn't have to." You smiled, looking at Bucky.

"Anything for you princess." He winked.

Whilst you waited for your drinks, you both decided to browse through the food menu, your eyes avoiding the overpriced starters. Honestly restaurants like theses ones were extortionate. Bucky however didn't think so and decided he'd order a sharing platter for you both when the waiter arrived with your drinks which turned out to be more than the price of two individual ones would have been.

"So tell me, how's it going? What have you spoken about? Are you feeling any better?" Bucky asked. You thought over his question, how would you tell him that you spent the last session speaking about sex and the weather?

"How often do you think about sex? Is it every seven seconds?" You asked in response.

"Random and no." He snorted giving you a incredulous look. "Are you deflecting? You don't have to go into detail I just hope it's working."

"It's only been three sessions Bucky." You puffed knowing that if it was really working, you wouldn't have avoided the term celibate when reading an article.

"Exactly." He smiled.

You let out a breath before you answered. "Yeah, it's working."

"Good. I'm glad to hear." He simpered as the waiter came back with the platter that consisted of oysters and a few other things that looked beyond inedible that were also probably meant to be swallowed as opposed to chewed and enjoyed.

"Would you like to order your mains now?" The waiter asked.

"No thank you." You replied politely, looking over the waiters shoulder to see a new couple being sat oppositely you both. Once he left, the pair became visible and your eyes widened as they came into focus, you instantly recognising Dr Laufeyson and with a partner? Girlfriend? Definitely not a wife. Tonight had just become slightly more interesting.

"Can I have a drinks menu please." Darcy asked, looking up at the waiter at their table whilst Loki looked down and eventually across the room to be met by you. He took a sharp breath when your eyes met one another's before his eyes wandered over to the man you had with you. "Loki? What do you want to drink?" Darcy asked, snapping him from his staring competition.

"Erm-um—let's share a bottle of wine." He decided, clearing his throat.

"Are you alright?" Darcy asked.

"Splendid." He lied. He wanted to either leave the restaurant or plead for the ground to swallow him whole.

Dr. Laufeyson Where stories live. Discover now