Inapt thoughts

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"Harderrr!" You screamed, face contorted in pleasure as Dr Laufeyson thrusted into you as you bent over the desk in the corner of his room. He continued entering you, leaning down to place a kiss on the nape of your neck.

"You feel so good, perfect." He grunted, snaking an arm around you as his fingers found your clit.

"I'm so closeee don't stoppp." You begged, feeling your climax quickly approaching.

"Cum for me like a good girl." He ordered.

"Fuck." You exhaled, your orgasm hitting you as you held your vibrator in one hand and your phone in the other, looking at Dr Laufeysons WhatsApp picture as the scenario you had imagined came to an end. You knew it was wrong, utterly untoward but he was just so damn sexy and he had given you his private number plus he didn't want you engaging in any sex. What other choice did you have? You wondered if that rule extended to sex with him. Laughing to yourself at the thought, you put your vibrator down as well as your phone before heading to the bathroom.

Once you were back, you flung yourself on your bed, feeling tired before unlocking your phone. It was still on Dr Laufeysons picture and you felt a strange feeling of embarrassment and guilt flood you as you looked at it as if he could see you. Clicking off of it, you looked at your recent chats, one being Bucky who still hadn't contacted you since last night. You wondered if you should have contacted him first but after typing and deleting a hey, you decided you'd just leave it for now. Instead, you found yourself on Instagram, scrolling through the endless selfies of people pretending to be happy. Clicking on one thing lead you to another and then another and before you knew it, you were staring wide eyed at a picture of a girl wearing an engagement ring as well as Curtis in the picture with the caption

I said yes 🥰💍

You felt your throat begin to tighten as tears brimmed in the corners of your eyes. You couldn't for the life of you figure out what it was that was upsetting you. The fact that Curtis had moved on or the fate of the poor girl. Curtis may have been posing as the nice guy but you knew him, truly knew him. It wasn't fair. You zoomed into the picture at their expressions. It wasn't fair! Curtis had a huge smile plastered over his face whilst you were left feeling hollow and broken. How was it that he was allowed to move on after everything he had put you through. Why was it that you couldn't find your happy ending. You wiped away some of the tears that had fallen down your face before your silent tears turned to sobs. It wasn't fair. Poor girl, poor you.

You scrolled through your contacts looking for Bucky's number, wanting someone you could whine to, someone who'd tell you to stop being silly, someone who'd hold you but as soon as you found his number, you thought back to Dr Laufeysons words.

"So it seems that you depended on Bucky quite a lot then?"

He was right. The first sign of trouble and you were quick to seek Bucky's company. It wasn't fair on him. It wasn't fair that you relied on him so much as emotional support without even caring to ask how he felt. Instead, you put your phone down as you cried to yourself remembering you and Curtis' toxic relationship. All the horrible things he made you endure.

"When I found out that my free afternoon had been booked, I was surprised to see that it was by you." Dr Laufeyson smiled, pouring a glass of water before walking towards you and placing it on the table beside you.

"My bastard ex is engaged." You replied, eyes running over his attire as you thought about all the ways in which his tie could be used to bound and gag you.

"I'm sorry." He answered solemnly.

"He's not dead." You joked "just happy."

"Which is worse?" He queried, slightly knitting his brows as if to gauge your expression.

"Well I'm not. Why is it that he gets to be happy whilst I'm here still hurting?" You sighed "it's just not fair."

"Life often isn't." He murmured seemingly to himself.

"Nope." You agreed, sipping the water.

"What about your friend? Have you made up with him?" He asked.

"No, we haven't spoken to each other." You answered, putting the glass back down.

"Hence the session today." He smiled as you nodded "I gave you my personal number so that you wouldn't have to spend an extortionate amount of money coming here just to sit in silence unless of course you feel you're ready to talk, properly talk."

"So I can call you whenever I want?" You smirked, leaning closer towards him.

"Whenever." He answered with his own smile, also leaning closer to you.

"But only to talk about inutile things." You added, biting your lip seductively. The doctors gaze quickly flicked from your eyes, down to your lips where they lingered for a few moments. "Maybe I'll call you tonight then." You grinned causing him to snap from whatever daze he was in as he quickly sat back again.

"It's to be used in emergencies only." He said, clearing his throat.

"And if my emergency was that my bath was overflowing and I was getting all wet, would I call you to come and rescue me?" You teased.

"Y/n." He spoke warningly.

"Only in emergencies, got it." You huffed, sitting back in your chair too. "Are we allowed to meet up out of here?" You asked, gesturing to the room.

"No." He answered.

"But we met in the restaurant." You countered.

"We didn't meet we bumped into each other, there's a difference."

"Well, I'm going to that restaurant again tonight at around 9 for a drink, hope to bump into you there again too." You winked before standing up.

"You've still got so much of the session left." Dr Laufeyson stressed, standing up and following you towards the door as if he didn't want you to go yet.

"Well would you look at that, you've got your free afternoon back." You said before opening the door as he stood behind you.

"You've booked and paid for it already, why not stay?" He implored, snaking an arm past you and closing the door. You paused your movements, looking down at his hand which rested flat against the door as his arm near trapped you in place. Your breath hitched as you felt his against the nape of your neck as you took a step backwards. For some reason this scenario felt familiar. There was silence between you both for a few seconds, the only sound being both your breathing. "Stay."

"I—" you began before the sound of footsteps approaching the door became audible. Dr Laufeyson quickly dropped his hand, turning away from you as you opened the door and quickly left as the receptionist handed Loki the files he had earlier requested before leaving. Once she did, he stupidly looked down the hallway half expecting you to still be there but you had gone.

Closing his door, Loki straightened himself out feeling stupid for his behaviour. He hated the slight tremble in his voice as he asked you to stay. He had recognised it as the same one he had many times with Darcy whenever she'd choose to abandon him. He felt even more idiotic when he thought about how much he hoped that this time she did stay. His mind was clouded. He did want Darcy to stay so they could finally have the happy ending they discussed in the beginning but that was before he met you. He didn't know why or how but you had invaded his mind. Whenever he was in bed and in need of release, he'd find himself thinking about you. Your low cut tops, your voice, your smile, it was intoxicating. He dismissed it as niggling lust considering he still hadn't had sex with Darcy and you were evidently making plays at him but something about the moment you had both just shared left him feeling unsettled. He didn't want you to simply stay, he wanted more.

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