The lone diner

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Spending the remainder of the day debating with himself whether or not he should go to the restaurant, Loki felt conflicted. He didn't think it was wrong, he knew it was wrong. Incredibly wrong but the thought of not seeing you for another week felt worse than making a mistake which seeing you tonight definitely would be. He cursed himself for how quickly and easily you had him wrapped around your little finger. He couldn't understand his quick and growing attraction towards you and it left him irked.

When he first met Darcy, he wasn't drawn to her in the slightest. His attraction to her was something that grew little with every encounter. He liked the small things, the mundane ones and he craved the companionship. She wasn't overly enticing or flirtatious, she was simply there. Over time, he fell in love with her but overtime, their lack of compatibility grew more obvious. If she was sweet, he was bitter. Despite this, Loki tried his hardest to keep the relationship going. He was in love and he thought she was too until like they're lack of compatibility, it became apparent that she wasn't. If she was, she wouldn't have left how she did.

Picking up his phone, he called Darcy and told her that she shouldn't come over tonight. There was a slight shock evident in her simple reply of "oh—okay" and he did feel bad but he pushed that feeling to the back of his mind as he made his way home and got ready for his impromptu bump into you.

Coming out of the shower, Loki wrapped a towel around his waist before making his way towards his closet. Eyes skimming over the contents, he picked up some black dress pants as well as a crisp white Ralph Lauren shirt. After getting dressed, he looked through his selection of watches and added one to the look, completing it with Dior Sauvage. Shoes on, he looked at himself in the mirror near his door one last time, expecting himself. Happy with how he looked, hair tied back in a bun, he flashed himself a toothy grin before leaving.

Arriving at the restaurant a few minutes after 9, he tried spotting you from the outside. He looked over the bar, scanning the people there but there was no sign of you. He wondered whether you had decided to get something to eat or more excitingly, whether you had booked a table for the both of you. He felt himself blush at the thought although it was definitely very improper. Glancing back down at his watch, he thought perhaps he was just too early and you were yet to arrive. With still no sight of you, he decided to enter the restaurant, maybe his eyes were fooling him and clouding you. He knitted his brows, you were still nowhere to be seen. He felt his throat growing tighter at the thought of you not turning up. The world around him continued to move as he stood still, silent, sheepish. Of course you wouldn't come he mentally sighed. The minuscule part of him that still held hope that you'd arrive decided on getting a table for two.

Heart heavy, Loki kept glancing up at the door whenever someone walked in, his mind conjuring the image of you. He felt doltish for expecting you to come and for yearning for it. You were his patient, nothing more. Never anything more. It was unethical, wrong. In fact he was glad. He was glad you didn't turn up. Good. It would have put his career at risk anyways. This went exactly how it was supposed to. With a prolonged saddened sigh, he picked up his phone as it rang.

"Hello" he answered, beginning to stand up to try and make a speedy exit from the restaurant completely embarrassed.

"Dr Laufeyson." You spoke, phone to your ear as you took a deep breath.

"Y/n." He answered, a strange feeling of relief flooding him at the sound of your voice.

"I need your help." You spoke, trying to keep your voice even.

Loki swallowed thickly before answering hating the fact that he was already sprinting towards his car.

"What's happened? Where are you? I'll come pick you up." He replied.

"I need you to meet me at the Ostroff Centre." You sniffled.

"Upper East side, why?" He questioned, entering his car.

"Please Loki, just meet me there." You implored.

The mention of his name just reassured the idea that you had him wrapped around your little finger. His heart swelled at the mention of it.

"I'll be there."

"And bring ID." You added before disconnecting the call.

Dr. Laufeyson Where stories live. Discover now