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You stared up at the ceiling for a few moments when you woke up. Your mind went over the events of yesterday. Since last night when you left Bucky, he hadn't made an effort to contact you which was surprising considering he had a lot of making up to do. You sighed when you thought about the fact that he may have been feeling used but still, he could have made an effort. Pulling your covers back, you stood up and made your way towards your bathroom, quickly brushing your teeth and showering before making your way out in your bathrobe and grabbing some fresh bedding for your bed. As you put it on, you thought about Dr Laufeyson and who he was with last night. He seemed so nervy, stiff. It was unusual considering how he practically owned the room during sessions. You smiled to yourself as you thought about what you'd wear to todays one.

Opting for some tight pants as well as a dangerously low cut top, you paired the look with an innocent denim jacket. Deciding on a simple look in terms of makeup, you puckered your lips in the mirror as you doused your lips in a bright coloured lipstick. You looked good, sexy and effortlessly so. Grabbing your car keys, you headed towards your fourth appointment with Dr Laufeyson.

"So, who was that?" Dr Laufeyson asked once you were both past pleasant greetings. When you first walked into the room, you didn't fail to notice the once over he gave you before you sat down, him shortly taking his seat afterwards.

"Who was who?" You asked, feining virtue as you batted your eyelashes up at him.

"The man from the restaurant last night." He answered unamused.

"A friend."

"A sexual partner?" He questioned.

Quite forward

"Does it matter?" You shot back, wanting to see how this'd play out.

"Yes." He replied instantly.

"Why?" You challenged.

"I'd prefer if you didn't see anyone sexually during your treatment."

"My treatment?" You snorted.

"Yes, you are my patient, I am treating you." He stated. Sitting backwards slightly in your chair, you took a moment to take him in as he crossed one leg over the other. This was the man you were used to, glasses, smartly dressed, polished shoes, asserting dominance, not the man last night who could barely keep his eyes off of you and who dined with such impolite company. You were unsure who you preferred. Dr Laufeyson himself in all his professional glory or Loki Laufeyson who definitely wished he was the one receiving the gentle touches you gave Bucky last night who now definitely didn't deserve them. You wondered whether there was a middle ground.

"Why does it matter if I have sex?" You finally spoke.

"Because after everything we've discussed and all of your past notes, I think you need to spend some time getting to know people without it." He explained.

"Getting to know people without sex. Hmm, sounds boring." You joked however the Doctors expression was unwavering. He seemed frustrated but not with you. Maybe it had something to do with the woman from last night you thought as he continued to speak.

"If your addiction were drugs, I'd advise you to stop taking them as would any other medical professional. In this case, I'm asking you to refrain from having intercourse for a while."

"Is that what you're doing?" You quipped.

"What?" He retorted, brows furrowing. Finally, a change in expression.

Dr. Laufeyson Where stories live. Discover now