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"They need a break." Kaia crossed her arms, watching them do their fourth take on one of the scenes. "Please, ten minutes."

"I agree." Alana stood beside Kaia, observing the back-up dancers. "Everyone needs a break."

"After we get this scene, then we will." The director agreed, watching the recording on the screen. "I just don't want to lose the vibe and state everyone is in, if that makes sense." He smiled softly.

"Understood." Alana glanced over at Kaia. "You okay?"

Kaia nodded, keeping her eyes on the boys. "Of course."

Alana looked down at Jeju, noticing the dog leaning on Kaia. She looked back up at Kaia's pale face and dazed eyes, deciding to ignore the young girl's words. "No, I don't think you're okay." Alana hooked arms with Kaia, leading her to a shady spot. "Let's just sit down for a bit. I'll get you some water."

"No, just wait until they're on break." Kaia fought back, pulling away from Alana. "It won't be long."

"You need a hat." Alana decided, walking off. "Make sure she doesn't pass out." She mumbled to a staff member, pointing at Kaia's back. The young manager was oblivious to her words, just squinting through the sun, making sure the boys were okay.

Kaia waited patiently, her arms crossed, watching the boys do their final run through on the scene. Finally, it was a success and up to their expectations.

"Come on!" Kaia gestured for the boys. "Break time." Kaia had to pull Yoongi and Hoseok away for them to finally believe her and the director. "Everyone sit." Kaia pushed Hoseok down. "I'll go get waters."

"She's so bossy." Taehyung groaned, laying ontop of Hoseok. Hoseok shoved him off him, Taehyung sticking his tongue out.

"She cares about us." Jin sighed as he sat down, his knees finally getting a rest. "I'm ready for dinner."

"I feel like we just had lunch." Jungkook chuckled, wiping his sweat away with a tissue, trying not to mess up his makeup. "I could go for a while."

"Well you're crazy." Jin shook his head, done for the day.

"Here," Kaia came back with arms full of water, Jeju carrying one in his mouth, wanting to help. "Everyone, yeah." Kaia let Yoongi help her, Namjoon walking over as well. "They're cold." She smiled, proud of herself. "There's an ice box too, if you guys want. I'll go get some ice."

Yoongi reached out to grab her arm, but she was already walking away, moving too fast for him. 'She's going too fast.'

"Come sit Yoongi hyung." Jimin scooted over on the couch. "Let's rest while we can."

Yoongi didn't say anything, doing as told. He just uncapped his water, drinking it silently, thinking about the schedule. The extended schedule. The one he wished wasn't real. But hey, it was his life. One thing after another.

"Okay, everyone also needs to reapply sunscreen." Kaia came back with a mini ice box and three bottles of sunscreen, two sprays. "Get your hands, ears, face, shoulders, whatever skin is showing."

"You gotta get your nipples." Taehyung snickered, hitting Jungkook's arm. Kaia pretended that she didn't hear that comment, handing out the sunscreen.

"Also, remember the Instagram accounts we set up?" Kaia stood in front of them, Alana walking over. "ARMY found out and we need to post some pictures on them."

"Oh that's right." Yoongi recalled the day they first set the accounts up, just a few days ago actually. They were going to post their posts, but dance practice really snuck up on them that night.

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