Touch Starved (2)

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Fluff + sorta skit lol + on and off povs but in third person because third person is best + requested by Me

Patrick coressed Henry's sleep face. He smiled lightly before getting up and off his bed leaving Henry to his dreams. Patrick then opened his door slowly; slipping threw the small crack and closing it back. Patrick let out a sigh of relief before looking around his hall, he walked down before getting to his stairs. He continued to walk down to his connected living room and Kitchen, he swung his body into his kitchen and looked from cabinet to cabinet to find cereal.


Henry woke up with a very uncomfortable stretch. He wasn't used to this type of bed which most definitely wasn't his bed... wait, not his bed. Henry sat up quickly and looked around not recognizing the room around him, he has been here before but he can't pin point it. Henry shook his head as he tried to get the room part out of his head and tried to think of what the hell happened. Henry shivered as he thought about what had happened, all he remembers is that they were at the Quarry and Henry finally got the urge to-

"Fuck." Henry thought, "I fucked our friendship all up, I confessed to him and now he must hate me." Henry pulled the blanket off of him as he saw he was wearing Hockstetter's clothes, he blushed lightly before pushing it aside and realizing he was in Patrick's room. He grumbled at the thought as he got out the bed, he looked over at the room's door. It wasn't closed all the way, he took this opportunity to sneak his way quickly. He looked left and right at the East and West hallway before choosing left and walking down.


Patrick picked up his bowl and walked over to a drawer, he slid it open and pulled out a fork. He then slammed it back in with his hip before walking into his living room and sitting on the couch, he hummed as he stuck a fork-full of stale cereal into his mouth. He picked up the remote at laid perfectly right beside him and turned the TV on, he then started to click buttons causing the screen to flash in colors from the excessive channel changing.


Henry then suddenly saw stairs, he looked down to see a Kitchen and a living room that seemed to have the TV on. He slowly made his way downstairs to see Patrick on the couch, eating. Henry looked confused, wasn't Hockstetter mad at him? Henry asked himself.


Patrick looked over to the figure. He smiled sweetly; putting his bowl on the coffee table. "How was your sleep?" He asked. Henry shrugged and walked over to the couch before sitting next to Patrick. Patrick picked his bowl back up and started to eat, Henry looked over at the bowl then Patrick.

"I want some." Henry said. Patrick looked at him. "All is gone. I ate the last of it." He said as he let the bowl in his lap, Henry sighed.

"Ok well, I want yours." Henry said blushing lowly. Patrick chuckled, he picked the fork out of the bowl of lactose and picked up some cereal. He then held it up to Henry's mouth as he giggled to himself, Henry looked at Patrick with envy before opening his mouth and letting Patrick put the fork of about 3 pieces of cereal in his mouth. Henry let his mouth down and Patrick slide the fork from out of his mouth, Henry then started to eat it with a questionable face.

"Why is it stale?" Henry asked, Patrick shrugged and stuffed some cereal into his mouth. Henry made a disgusted face before looking at the TV, it was quite bland at The Hockstetter Home. Henry then got a thought in his head, one he had already thought about.

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