"Ha ha ha." He said emotionlessly. "I'm never forgiving you for that."

"But I stopped and waited for you to reach the cart anyway."

"Yeah, right after driving away for twelve miles. I was practically sprinting to catch up to you."

"Running is really good for you though." I grinned, patting his arm and giving it a squeeze.

Did I do that intentionally just so I could have an excuse to feel his biceps? Maybe. But he doesn't have to know that.

"How about you try to go running after a moving vehicle and I'll say that to you?"

"No." I started, opening my eyes and immediately seeing a pair of blue eyes. "I know I look pretty, but you don't need to stare at me too much."

He continued on just staring at me. "Will you be mad if I kiss you right now?" He said slowly to make sure I heard every word.

My breath hitched and suddenly the world around us seemed to slow down. I unconsciously licked my bottom lip and his eyes flickered to watch it. He was ever so slowly leaning into me that I could feel him breathing against my face slightly.

"J-Just a kiss?" I stammered.

Grayson nodded.

"Okay." And with that, he leaned down to pull me in a searing kiss.

* * *

With my eyes still closed, I rested my forehead against his while catching our breath. I forgot what it was like to be taken out of breath by kissing.

Grayson's one hand was resting on my hips and the other was just below my boob. My hands were still pressed against his now naked chest. I could feel how fast his heart beat was. His shirt was long discarded and thrown somewhere in the room.

We were still on the couch, but our position changed after I pulled him back to kiss him again after the first. As our kiss deepened, I slowly sat up and moved, straddling him.

My eyes flickered open when I felt his thumb caressing over my lips. I looked him in the eye when I slightly nipped his thumb. His already dark eyes darkened even more.

He lowered his head to press ticklish kisses on my neck and down my chest.

"Grayson!" I squealed, trying to get away from him.

He pressed one last lingering kiss on my neck before kissing me again on the lips.

"You're not getting away this time." His voice was hoarse, pulling me closer to him.

"I won't." I reassured him, tracing random shapes on his chest with my finger

"Good because you aren't going anywhere tonight."

I was about to reply when my stomach suddenly grumbled telling me that it's hungry. Grayson let out an amused smile.

"Don't want my baby getting hungry, so is Chinese food good?" He asked, grabbing his phone beside him and opening it.

My face warmed. "It's fine."

I let him order the food for me. After ending the call, Grayson put on a movie while we waited for the food to arrive. I removed myself from his lap and curled up against him. He raised my legs to rest them on his lap before snaking his hand around my waist. I snuggled my head closer in the crook of his neck.

"You taking your shirt off was so dramatic." I mused, poking his chest.

"I didn't see you complaining when you were running your hands all over it." He pinched my hips making me jerk up.

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