Chapter 15: Todays The Day pt3

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Mari POV:
I've been awake for a while now, watching Adrien sleep. God he looks like an angel in his sleep, I slide my hand across his soft cheek as he still stayed fast asleep I couldn't help but giggle after he twitched thinking there was a bug on his face.

I kept touching his face as he continued to twitch, just then as I continued to touch him just then he grabbed my hand, I gasped and looked him in the eye

"A..Adrien? I thought you were asleep?"

"I'm a light sleeper m'lady"

"Is that so? Well then how long have you been awake then?"

"I've been up for a while, I'm fact before you woke up I was watching you sleep. You snore a little by the way" he said smirking at me. I felt my whole face turned red, I grabbed the pillow under me and threw it at his face.

"I-I do not snore!!" I said

"Oh you totally do, but it's adorable princess so no need to be embarrassed~"

I just looked at him with a slight smile on my face. I was still blushing but it was just a tiny pink. He just gave his annoying yet sexy smirk

I rolled my eyes and was about to roll out of bed until he put his arm on my waste pulling me closer.

"Adrien!! let go I have to take a shower" I said giggling

"Why would I do that, your so warm" He said pulling me closer snuggling his face on to mine, as he wrapped his arms around my waste. I smiled as I ran my hand threw his blonde locks. They were so soft as if it was cotton candy

"I could get use to this every morning~" Adrien said

"Mmmmm me too, but all good things must come to an end, So I need to take a shower and you need to wake up" I said he let out a loud and un wrapped his arms around be, he sat up as I did the same.

As I yawned I looked over and saw him stretching and damn did he look good...I couldn't help but stare. After he was done stretching he stood up from the bed I looked away and tried to get all of the perverted thoughts out of my head.

"W..Why don't you take a shower first.." I said looking out the window, trying to avoid his gaze.

"Are you sure? I don't mind waiting for you?" He said

"N-no really it's ok, I don't mind I have to call Alya anyways." I said

"Ok? I'll just be 10 minutes." He said. He walked in the bathroom closing the door behind him leaving me alone.

I took a deep breathe in and let it out. I had to think about everything that happens in the last 24 hours. Adrien and I slept in the same bed together, if Luka or Lila knew about this we would be murdered in our sleep.

Well at least Adrien would be. Todays Thursday and Nino and Alya's 5 year anniversary is tomorrow. I can't wait for Nino to propose. I could feel some tears slip down my face,

In happinesses of course. My two best friends getting Engaged.. there gonna spend the rest of there life together have a kids, there gonna be happy. And they deserve it.

I grabbed my phone from the night stand beside me.
I scrolled threw it looking for Alya name. After I found it I clicked on it and let it ring. A minute later she picked up.


Awwww did I interrupt you and Nino~

Yes as a matter of fact you did!!

Boo hoo, anyways Adrien and I are getting ready after that we are gonna go out for breakfast-

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