2.Meeting him

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While Dania said "Aaj mein yaha rukney wali hu"and Saad nodded and they.

[Y'all be wondering, are they having two houses? Then yes, because earlier Dania's older son's family and the youngest son's family lived in different countries but just a year back they moved here. While Saad lived here and Dania not wanting to live in a foreign land lived with Saad family. ]


It was a bright sunny day and Dua was at her university and was waiting for the first lecture to start because it was already 8:30 Am the lecture was about to start at 8:15 Am.

But something unusual happened a young men in his late twenties entered instead of a old man having a squared small specs.

The young man, was dressed up in a black shirt and formal pants, his sleeves rolled up, his perfectly fixed gelled hair. Everyone started drooling over him. Not only girls also boys.

"Attention students! " The man said.

"Myself Zaved Mallik, as your professor resigned due to some uneven circumstances. I'll be your Physics and Mathematics professor for two semesters .I hope y'all co-operate with me. But let me remind y'all, I don't like nonsense stuff while y'all are studying or I'm teaching. So be aware of it . I'll be taking test every week so prepare yourself for it and any doubt don't hesitate to ask me. "Zaved said while the face demeanor of students changed after hearing is strict voice which contained warning.

The class started and everyone sincerely studied cause they didn't wanted to fail in the test, which would be conducted by this handsome fellow.


It's been 5 months since Zaved joined the university. He joined because the university's owner was his father's friend as he requested alot he had to. Unfortunately ,the professor who used to teach them left in between and not able to find anyone he had to join. He went to university at morning and at evening he handled his office work.
At the end of the day it exhausted him, but still he had to do it.

But someone did stole his heart, Dua Ibrahim. He saw most of the students making fun of her weight which did something to him. He wanted to protect her and make her feel secure. Well he wasn't able to see her , as the vacation started so.

He was sulking as he won't be able to see her for 2 months straight .

While on the other hand Dua did work out everyday , and controlled her diet and lost almost 25 kgs.
Noor and Ariz were hella worried about her health.

A/N P. O. V
(Most of you might say, you are beautiful just the way you are. But you know some people in internet will say all this supportive things but in reality. They just make fun of it. And i have actually seen it and felt it. They push the person to that extend, he/she is left with nothing but to loose weight or to do something harmful.)


After 3 months

It was bright sunny day , the girl stood in front of her vanity and draped a scarf around her neck. Then she went downstairs to have her breakfast which was now one corn sandwich and a banana milkshake.
Noor as usual served everyone there breakfast. After breakfast everyone left towards their respective workplace.


As the girl entered her lecture room everyone were shocked to see her. She had lost a great amount of weight. She looked like an angel. In that dress that she was wearing.

As Dua sat, she opened her book and started practising some physics equations.
As it was physics test today, while others engrossed themselves in Gossiping and some studying. Bell rung after 15 mins indicating , the class has begun.

Professor Mallik, entered holding a stack of question paper.

"I assume y'all are prepared perfectly for it, cause y'all got almost 2 months of break. And yeah, I want to remind you guys that, cheating is not allowed , if anyone got caught of cheating, straight away , I'll tear the paper. No phones allowed so please kindly switch it off." Professor Mallik said in his strict voice which was holding so much sincerity and admonition that everyone present there got little nervous.

The question paper was disturbed, and they were given 3 hours to answer 60 questions.

Everyone engrossed themselves in writing on paper but not one person. Of course the famous girl who was looking for a cheat, which she hid under Dua's table. Because she knew she might get caught but not Dua cause she looks nerdy.

In the process of taking that cheat from her table . It fell near Dua's leg in such a way that I looked like it was her's. And Professor Mallik saw it.

He bargad near Dua and snatched her papers. " why are you cheating? " He said holding that cheat which was near her legs.

"No professor, I wasn't. " She replied.

"Then how I got a cheat near you. " He asked.

(A/N : Dumb professor 😂😂 just wants chance to talk to her)

"Professor it was near my legs, that doesn't mean it was mine. And look at the handwriting , it is also not mine. " She replied justifying herself.

He examined her's handwriting and Cheat's handwriting. Indeed it was hella different cause she wrote in cursive, while the cheat contained a very rough and dirty handwriting.

"So sorry to disturb you please continue" He said and turned around and walked over the rows of students checking each person handwriting if possible. And at last he caught the culprit , who was cheating from her friends sitting beside her.

He snatched her papers and took it near his desk.

"This behavior of yours is totally not acceptable, Miss Saloni. "

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't intend to do that" The famous girl whose name was Saloni replied.

"Well, you did it. So I won't return your answer sheet. Now you may please continue gossiping with your friends or maybe talking shit about others. " He shouted.
The girl's head hung down  in embarrassment. She was also known to impress professors and also seducing them, but he was different.

However, the test got over and everyone walked to the cafeteria to have something before the next lectures starts.
The day went on packed with lectures.
Dua came back home and she slept,  so tired of the day.


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