Chapter 1

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Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 by Joanna White

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. For more information, address: .

Fourth Edition, 2024 by Joanna White.


THE LAND HAD never been more alive. Crystal rivers snaked through verdant forests and across lush prairies and peaceful hills, flowing with beauty and life. The grass constantly moved and shifted due to the wind, with no concern for time or space. The many different colored trees danced as the wind caressed their leaves. purple vines hugged tall tree trunks, spidering down them like webs. A few trees held leaves as yellow as the dawn itself. Fruits—oh, the delicious fruits—grew in vast quantities; the sour and sweet ones, the ones with brown dots as dark as bruises, others bigger than a human head. Some were thick enough that only a sword could penetrate them. Several had seeds and others were seedless... All were unique in their own way.

Out of all the trees, the most elegant was the cherry blossom. It was the time of its blooming, which only came for a couple months every two years in our world. Pink and white petals cascaded off the branches. Their balletic movements looked like falling snowflakes; so alluring, yet so fragile. Like a life that was blessed, but would too soon meet its end.

I, Okada Akari, stood below their shattering beauty, gazing at the rare and precious moments of their lives.

"Well, well. What is a girl from the Sakamoto Clan doing all the way out here?" The voice which had spoken was low, the voice of a man. His accent sounded vaguely familiar—that of the Iwashita clan to the East.

I turned, allowing my hand to rest within reach of the katana at my left hip.

He wore his katana on his left hip, with a matching wakizashi just under it. There was no doubt that this man was a samurai. His face looked quite handsome, and he appeared no older than I. His colors—dark blue and white—were that of the Iwashita clan, as was the insignia on the end of the handle of his katana.

The colors on my kimono, as well as the insignia on my own weapon, had revealed to him what clan I hailed from. I would have to proceed cautiously to avoid a fight. "I could say the same of you, Iwashita samurai." I narrowed my eyes, but slightly shifted my right foot back in case I would be forced to draw my katana.

Half his mouth lifted into what was something in-between a grin and a smirk. "And here I thought today was going to be boring." Though his eyes never left mine, his hand drifted toward his sword.

I rested my right hand on my own. "Do you realize you are outside your clan's borders?"

He raised an eyebrow and looked around, feigning surprise. "Oh? I truly hadn't noticed."

I frowned at him. "What is your purpose here?"

He shrugged—his expression indifferent.

Whatever his intentions, I could not allow him to remain in our borders. He did not seem to be the sort of man who would listen, nor honor any request I would make, but I knew I had to try.

"It would be wise if you would return to the Iwashita Clan's borders." I kept my voice calm, but firm.

"And if I don't? I suppose you plan to make me?" His eyes slid over me lazily.

"Only if I am forced to."

He used his thumb to unsheathe his katana just a bit. Before he could draw his weapon, I darted toward him. As I moved, I pulled out my katana to hit his ribs with the hilt as I ran past him. Only when I did so, he was not there. The blow would have been strong enough to knock his breath out, especially at the speed I had been going.

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