14. Tension

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Taehyung 🖕💋:

'If you're not out here in exactly 5 minutes i'm leaving your ass 😒'

Jungkook 🙄 💫:

'That's okay. I know where you live buttercup ;)'

Taehyung 🖕💋:

'Get out here Jeon! 😡'

'I'm not playing with you'

Jungkook 🙄 💫:

'Oh baby'

'I wish you would 😩👌💦'

Seen at 5:00 p.m.

Jungkook chuckled to himself and slipped his phone in his pocket just like he did to his hand. He finally stepped out side knowing what he should expect to be greeted by. So expected, so received;

"Fuck you and your dirty ass mind!"

"You love it." He winked to add fuel to the moment. It did.

The very next second Taehyung reached for his neck in attempt to choke him. Jungkook grabbed his hands and held it firm on his own chest, smirking down when he was greeted by a startled and flabbergasted Taehyung, wide eyes on display.

"Now that's no way to treat your student is it Kim?"

'What the fuck?!' Taehyung screamed in his mind.

The thing was, no students were around at this time. They were probably the last or almost the last to be leaving the school premises because someone decided it was cute to make Taehyung wait an entire hour.

He crumbled Jungkook's shirt by balling it into a fist. He was supposed to pull Jungkook towards him and threaten him but that didn't go as planned.

Jungkook was strong.

Meaning his own body moved forward so he almost stumbled into Jungkook's arms...again.

"Ugh!" He whined.

Jungkook's stare had gone blank. Their crotches were literally pressed up against one another since Taehyung decided to be a brat and now he's whining like that? Lord have mercy. Jungkook gnawed at his bottom lip.




Taehyung stopped fidgeting, hearing the sudden tone of Jungkook's voice.

He looked up. He wished he didn't. He had a heavy pair of eyes looking down at him.

"Stop fucking moving." Jungkook sighed.

"What?" Taehyung scrunched his nose. "I'll do whatever the fuck I want! Let me go~" He begun squirming again. Big mistake.

Jungkook let go of his hands and suddenly pulled him by his waist.

Taehyung's chest crashed against his. His eyes were so wide they may just pop out their sockets. Jungkook was holding him in the same manner he held him against the tree.

This time, no tree was present so it was more of a free and tight grip at the same time.


"Behave yourself. Why are you such a brat?"

Jungkook swore he felt Taehyung whimper in his hold. When he looked down he saw the older male swallowing nothing. Cheeks slightly flushed, eyes relaxed and dark, lips pursed and surprisingly Taehyung panted like he just ran a marathon.

The air became tensed around them. Jungkook said nothing. Taehyung said nothing. As they continued to stare into each other's orbs the atmosphere was heavier. Hot. None moved except for their chests, the same rhythm.

That's when it hit them both.

The reason the atmosphere changed was because of the sudden tension.


Author's note:

Holy fuck 😗

I surprised myself with this chapter.

I really hoped you all enjoyed cuz 😳🦋✨. That's all Imma say.

Stay tuned ;)

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