A Broken Knight

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It had been an hour since Y/N had left with Revali and Mipha. Link had found the princess in the castle garden with Impa, Robbie and Purah. They were studying a decayed guardian, trying to figure out how to make it work.

Link stood a few meters away, keeping an eye on the princess. His hands rested on the master sword leaning against his leg, he shook his head to rid of boredom. Robbie and Purah seemed to be arguing about something.

"It's not working, Purah!"

"Give it time Robbie, Jeez!"

"You said to reconnect the wires!"

"No! I said to zap it!"

"No you didn't!"

"Shut up, Robbie!"

Zelda interrupted "Maybe we should try turning it off and on again?" She suggested, equally confused. Then Purah blurted out about how she didn't study for most of her life to be condemned to working with someone as stupid as Robbie.

Impa edged closer to Link "Scientists, am I right?" she looked at her sister who was now throwing her glasses on the floor. Link allowed himself to give the sheikah an amused grin, he shifted on his feet as the discussion became a heated argument.

"Link! Come here!" Link winced as the princess called out to him, he didn't want to be dragged into this. Link jogged towards the scene and bowed his head, wondering what the princess wanted from him. Zelda pointed to the guardian "Could you please hold it up from one side so that we can examine its panel?" she asked. 

'I don't really have a choice, do I?' Link though with a wry smile, he obliged and gripped one side of the guardian with both hands. It was heavier than he thought and he struggled to even lift it "Lift with your legs, Link!" Impa called out, stifling her laugh.

Link rolled his eyes but obliged, surprisingly it worked although his arms were starting to ache. He silently willed the princess to hurry up, fearing that he'd drop the guardian. His arms were starting to burn and his breathing became uneven. Zelda stood back with her hands on her hips "I just don't understand it! Everything is in place but it still doesn't work!" Turning to Link, she added "You can drop it on its side, Link, so the panel is still visible."

Link breathed a sigh of relief and carefully dropped the guardian on the grass. He then stepped in next to Purah to survey the guardian. He knew he probably wouldn't be able to help because he wasn't tech savy, but he could try.

He wished Y/N was here, she was better at these things. He bent down to look into the guardian, to him it was a mess of tangled wires and blinking buttons. This made no sense. He tilted his head, trying to understand it, but it didn't help.

Link pulled back, a sharp pain suddenly piercing his head. He drew his hand up to his forehead, his vision turned white. He shut his eyes in the sheer agony of it, and then just as suddenly as it came, it disappeared. Link opened his eyes, he saw everyone staring at him "Link," Zelda looked at him in concern "Are you okay?"

Link nods, only half listening. The broken guardian on the ground has occupied most of his attention. He can't exactly explain the feeling, he feels like he's done this before. Fixing guardians, I mean. He kneels down and brushes his hand against the cool metal, he feels a spark.

Wordlessly, he presses the blinking blue button. This allows the control panel to become fully visible, he takes a red wire in his hand. He examines the tip, deciding where to connect it. He knows how to do this. He's done this before.

He pulls out a green wire and connects them, causing sparks to fly. Zelda watches on, not knowing what to say. "Since when has Link known this?" she whispers to Purah, Purah shrugs and watches.

Link claps his hands and stands up, he turns to Purah and makes a hand gesture of pushing a button, Purah slaps her forehead "Oh! The control panel wasn't fully activated!" Link nods.

Realisation strikes, Link's eyes widen and he looks at Zelda in horror. He looks at his hand, the triforce on the left is glowing.


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