Another Chance

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It's a blood moon tonight.

The calamity flakes float from the ground up, resembling flickering ashes. the moon's blood red hue reflects on the clouds and gives the impression of blood stained cloth. All of this shines down on Y/N, Hyrule castle's head astronomer.

It is Y/N's job to study the sky. She spends most of her days drawing out constellations, making maps and observing stars through the telescope in the castle observatory. Her desk is always a mess of charts, maps, compasses, rulers and notebooks. 

Y/N adjusts her purple sash, before making her way under a tree, just outside the castle gates. She must be careful because it's night, the stalls might come out of the ground at the sound of her footsteps. So, Y/N treads carefully with her boots in her hand, her socks make no noise. Why is Y/N out on such a dangerous night?

Well, every day is a blood moon.

It's been happening since two days ago, and no one knows why. So King Rhoam called upon Y/N to take notes and try to investigate the cause of this. It's been really eerie being all alone in the dark with a Crimson moon looming overhead. Every creak and rustle makes Y/N's heart stop and causes her to look around. Before, Link would have accompanied her on these midnight research expeditions.

But he had been missing for two days.

Y/N sat down under the tree, careful not to make any noise. She gazed up, the tree was dead and its branches were bare, in the dead of the night it appeared an ebony colour. Y/N was scared. The king was counting on her- what if she never figured out the cause? She hadn't, yet. But she had noticed something about the moon.

It was getting bigger day by day. At first the moon had been the size of a penny, then a bracelet and today it was the size of a necklace. Not only that- it was becoming redder and redder. The first day it was an orange-red, then a pinkish-red and today it was a light red colour. One thing was for sure, the calamity was becoming more powerful.

She took out a ruler and a leather bound notebook. She measured the moon with the ruler and wrote it down on the chart that she was keeping track of size. She then flipped back a page and noted down the colour. Then she turned to a clear page and described the moon.

There was only so much she could do. She quickly finished and stood up, dusting herself off. She slipped her ruler and book into her satchel and threw a last glance at the moon. And then she did a full 360 turn, taking in the dead trees, shadowy grass and the moon. She breathed in, the air smelled of ashes.

Suddenly, Y/N stopped. She squinted towards a spot of grass, that was blackened by ashes. Y/N put a hand to her mouth when she saw what appeared to be an unconscious hylian. she ran towards it as quickly as she could without making noise, stumbling a little. She sank down to her knees, next to the figure. Their face was turned away from her.

Y/N gently turned the victim's face towards her and let out a horrified yell, causing the guards at the gate to look at her. 

The golden hair matted with dried blood was unmistakably familiar. The light blue tunic was ripped and dirty with spots of blood, and on one side it was completely torn off revealing a life threatening gash, still seeping red liquid The Crimson substance darkened the grass underneath him, making it dark red.

 And despite all this, he appeared to be sleeping calmly. Like a child tucked into bed after a glass of warm milk and a bedtime story. His eyes were shut in bliss without a worry in the world, his lashes brushed his cheeks. His chest rose and fell deeply, despite all the carnage and pain he had suffered.


Y/N didn't know what to do first. Should she tend to his wounds? Wake him up? Or take him to the castle first?! Luckily for her, Link stirred, leaving her one less worry. First he clenched his fist and then unclenched it. Link's eyes fluttered open, looking upon the whole place in a softly dazed confusion.

✓|Twisted Triforces (Link x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant