A Death most Horrifying

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Link's breathing came in short gasps as he clutched the wound at his side, it was constantly oozing blood. It felt sticky dripping down his champion's tunic. His hair was matted with his  blood and he felt woozy. His skin was patterned with cuts welling with the sticky, crimson substance and bruises. Link didn't know how long he could keep this up.

He coughed sickeningly, putting a hand to his mouth. Each cough shook his body in spasms of pain. He drew his hand back. Blood. He had seen much of it today, most of it was his. Link tried to ignore the throbbing pain all over his body, and turned to face his adversary, weakly. The smell of iron in the air overpowered all else.

Calamity Ganon...

Link should have been prepared, but all of it had gone wrong. The divine beasts had failed, Ganon's malice was too strong. There was only so much the spirits of the champions could do, they were only 100 year old ghosts after all.

The Calamity was toying with him. There was no way that Link could win. The Calamity lunged at him, cornering him against the wall, Link gripped his sword helplessly, standing in a pool of blood. The hilt was wet with that same wine coloured liquid.

Ganon plunged his sharp pincer deep inside Link's leg. Link cried out at the shear pain of it, the tears streamed down automatically, cleansing his cheeks of all the blood. The pain dissapeared into all of his other pain, but he felt it nonetheless. Link shut his eyes in agony, hoping to die, the Calamity at last tore its weapon out with a sickening slash. Link groaned and his body slumped down.

He could feel the blood rising to his mouth, he tasted the sticky, crimson iron before it came out. The pain was all there, yet it was not. Link just wanted to die.

How long until he died? How long until the suffering ended?

Link forced himself to get up, using the master sword as support. He wiped the blood from his lips with his bloody sleeve, and glared at the Calamity defiantly, despite it all.

The calamity looked back at him with its menacing, yellow eyes. It's eight arms at the ready to strike him, already dirty with blood. Link knew that one more hit would kill him, but he had sworn an oath. The calamity circled Link, revelling in the moment.

Link's breathing was laboured. His heart struggled to pump more blood than what was seeping out. His coughs shook him to the core. His insides were in agonising pain. He couldn't go on like this. His vision was fading...

He had always known that there was someone who deeply cared for him. He knew he had a family. He knew that he was once loved. More than anything, he wished they were here. He wished he could remember...

But they were all dead now.

And soon he would join them...

And now, as he stood, coughing and gasping, he wished he had another fate. Soon it was all too much for him, the room swayed around him... and he fell. 

He looked at his own blood pooling around him, blankly. He stopped looking at the calamity, knowing that it was all over. Why suffer, if death was always looming? The wound on his side still gushed blood and his leg was pierced through and through. Link gave one last body shaking cough and stopped fighting.

The darkness threatened to engulf his vision. Link tried to fight it... just as he breathed his final breath, he saw a light... and then darkness.

Link was still.

If you were there just then, the only sound that you would have heard would be the fire that ravaged the sanctum. And the pools of crimson blood, filling your senses with the choking smell of iron. 

All of it was Link's blood.

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