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💜💜💜 Pervious Part 💜💜💜





Like this I shouted for half an hour but no body listened to me. I was feeling so scared and suffocated. I needed some water but how will I find water here. I didn't even have strength to bang the door since my hands were hurting so much. And before I could even think more I blanked out.

💜💜💜NEW PART 💜💜💜

I woke up and found myself in an unfamiliar room. But it was not a dark room like last time. It was like a Hospital room/ward. Huh. What am I doing here? Noona locked me in the dark  room and now I am here in Hospital.  Suddenly the gate opened and someone came inside. I looked up to saw who it was. Ad it was Jin Hyung. He looked very happy seeing me. He came towards me and hugged me. I also hugged him back. After 5 minutes we broke the hug then he said

Jin- How are you? Are you sitt feeling pain in your head?

Me- Aniyo Hyung. But Hyung why will I feel pain in my head

Jin- You don't remember?

Me- What Hyung?

Jin- You pushed Mia Noona and the car hitted you. After that we took you to the hospital. The doctor told us that you were fine but you will take 2 days to woke up and--

Me- Hyu--

???- V, you woke up. Are you alright?

I looked towards the owner of the voice. Looking at the face I started having flashbacks. It was YN Noona. The rest of my brother's and Mia Noona  were behind her. She came  towards me and hugged me but I didn't hugged back. I was still scared. I pushed her away from me. She looked shocked. She again came towards me but I started to shift back. I said

Me- No-Noona don't co-me n-ear me. Plea-se do-n't bea-t me. 

I said stuttering. Then she said

YN- V, what happened? Why will I hurt you? I love you so much much. I will not even think of raising my voice in you.

V- No-No you will beat me.

YN- V, Lis--

Me- Hyung, Juj Hyung please tell her to go from here. She will beat me.

Jin- V, Why will Noona beat you?

Me- You don't know Hyung, She locked me in the room and hitted me with a stick. She even slapped me on the face.  Please tell her to leave.

Jin- V, don't sa__

YN- Leave it Jin. If he don't feel comfortable around me then I will leave. But V I will be on the rooftop waiting for you.

With that she left. Then Jin Hyung looked at me before he say anything Namjoon Hyung said

RM- Tae, why did you say those things to Noona. She is hurt now.

Me- But Hyung She beated me

Jimin- When?

Me- I don't know. But belive me she did.

Jin- You know You were unconscious for whole 2 days. Noona had been taking care for you. She didn't even left from the hospital since the day the accident happened. So how, where and when she beated you.

Me- Yo-You mean she never came home?

Hoseok- Yes she never and neither do you. You were in the hospital from the last 2 days.

Me- Then who beated me.

Suga- I think it was your dream. Remember Jin Hyung Noona told us that she heard Tae saying things like Please Open The Door , Please don't lock me, etc.

Jin- Hmm. I remembered. V it was your dream. Noona never did those things to you. You know na how much she loves you.

Me- That means I hurt her. She didn't did those things.
Now what will I do Hyung.

Jin- Don't worry. Just go and talk to her. She is in rooftop waiting for you.

Me- Ok Hyung. I will go now only.

Jungkook- Hyung but be careful. Don't hurt yourself.

Me- Ok Jungkook. I will be careful

Saying this I left the room and went on the rooftop insearch of Noona. I went there and saw she was sitting on bench which was placed there. I went towards her and back hugged her. She didn't flinched like she knew that I was gonna come. She stood up and turned towards me and then hugged me back. We broke the hug then I said

Me- I am sorry Noona. I should not have said those things to you .

YN- Don't worry I am not upset or angry or whatever. I know you must have a dream about me. Right.

I nodded and then said

Me- How do you know?

YN- I heard you saying something before  and then now you were telling that I beated you so I just guessed it.

Me- That means you are not angry with me.

YN- Aniyo Who could be angry with a sweet buttercup. Now let's go down and do a quick checkup then we will go home.

Me- Ok Noona.

Then both of us went downstairs in the room where the rest are right now. After sometime a doctor came and did my checkup and said I am fine and I can go home now. We all then went to a restaurant for our dinner since it was already 8:00 PM. We did our dinner and then went home. All things were normal but the thing which didn't feel normal was the behaviour of Mia Noona.

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Words Count- 1000

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