Rescue My Crew! I think i'll Call it....

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After her crewmate, Arondite, and notorious Lvneel island thief, Bianca, were captured by Navy captain, Iron Jaw and his squadron of marines, Cayna fled to think of a plan to rescue her crewmate. However, with the island overrun by marines, she very nearly found herself captured as well, if not for the help of local bartender, and caretaker for Bianca, Wakasa. He harbored Cayna in his bar until she was safe, and told her the story of how he encountered Bianca, and what she meant to him. Hearing about Bianca's tragic past, Cayna grew over her hatred for the thief and found respect for the poor girl. Now, teaming up with Wakasa, the two would attempt to free their captured comrades from Iron Jaw's clutches....

"Sir, I have unfortunate news. The pirate, Cayna Duvain managed to escape our troops for the time being thanks to some sort of unknown interference. However, we've reason to believe she's yet to flee the island, so rest assured, sir, we will find her." An officer reported to Iron Jaw who stood in the centre of the islands town square. By now, all residents of the island had been ordered to remain in their homes for their safety, until the marines and all pirates had left. 

"Thank you for the report, soldier. Continue your search, find the pirate, and bring her to me. And no need to worry about her fleeing this island. She wouldn't dare leave a crewmate behind." Iron Jaw replied as the officer gave him a nod before returning to his squad to continue their search of the island. Captain Iron Jaw then turned to view his two captives. Bianca and Arondite sat side by side on the ground, their hands cuffed together behind their backs as several marines kept their rifles trained on them. "Time to find out if you were right to have faith in your captain, boy. And as for you, thief, your less of a bait and more as a secondary reward for all this. I'm sure the people of this island will be relieved to see such a pest removed."

"Oh my god, could you please shut the hell up? Seriously, I do not give a damn what you have to say. Just catch his friend already so this can all be over." Bianca told Iron Jaw as she tested her cuffs to see if she could break out. Unfortunately, she could not.

 "The numbers are 1 against 300. While strong pirates such as Gecko Moria, Fisher Tiger, or even Kaido would laugh at that number, a novice like Duvain will stand no chance. So no need to complain, as this will be over swiftly." Iron Jaw replied to her. Meanwhile, Arondite remained silent, solely focusing on his swords which now rested on Iron Jaw's belt. "Worried about your precious swords, are you? Well there's no need to fret. While you may be a criminal, any swordsman, I will show respect to. I'll make sure these blades that were once yours are handled with upmost care when we are through here. I'll have them sent back to where they were forged, so they can be put to a better purpose."

"Sir, Lieutenant Cabrera reporting in." A young woman, maybe early 20's with long black hair in a ponytail, spoke as she saluted to her commanding officer. 

"At ease, Lieutenant. Any sign of Duvain?" Iron Jaw questioned as his second in command gave him a nod. 

"Yes, sir. She was spotted just a few minutes ago down by the harbor. We have every ship on watch though, so she won't be able to escape on one if she tri-" *BOOM!* A monstrous explosion cut off Cabrera as the two looked down to the harbor to see Iron Jaw's dreadnought ship had been blown up. 

"Something tells me she's not trying to escape! Cabrera, order our men to put out the fire down there. Don't want it to spread and burn away the whole island. You stay with me though. Now that Duvain's made her move, I predict she'll show herself to us in mere moments." Iron Jaw explained as his lieutenant understood and gave the order to their troops through a transponder snail. 

Minutes passed and from the town square, Iron Jaw and Cabrera could see most of the marines down at the harbor, trying to put out the flames. But that wasn't their concern at the moment. Walking up the main road of the island towards the square was Cayna, with a fierce but intense smile on her face. She stopped down she was about 100 ft from them. 

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