An Unlikely Ally! A Lonely Life.....

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Cayna had just watched a powerful marine by the name of Iron Jaw triumphantly walk away with her first mate and the marksman she wanted to beat up herself—one of the only things she could do was ponder. What could she possibly do to face such a strong opponent? She couldn't face him head-on. No, that'd be plain dumb. But what other options did she have?

Cayna carefully leaped over rooftops, 'That guy looked crazy strong, especially if Arondite was caught so quickly! What can I do other than attack head-on!? I can't just leave him, and I want to beat up that prick myself!' She thought with a pout, obviously referring to Bianca.

Cayna slowly made her way to rooftops that placed themselves lower to the ground beneath until she finally landed on a nearby dumpster and hopped on the pavement, "Great!—" She quickly covered her mouth and peeked around the corner of the alleyway she was in, hoping no one heard her loud, booming voice. Everybody seemed to be walking casually, and ignoring her cheerful voice. But she did spot some Marines scouting the streets, "Shoot. I can't believe they've infested the streets so quickly..." Cayna says, despite being a tad bit nervous, quite impressed by how fast Iron Jaw's Marines make moves.

Cayna decided the best choice she was able to make at the moment was to get the upper hand and sneak around the Marines. She thought to herself, 'As much as this is not my style, the choice I have to make is to either go in guns blazing...or TRY to go for a tactical sneak attack against my enemies for now...' And to Cayna, the latter was sounding nice right about now.

Cayna snuck behind some small houses as she leaped behind stands and said in a low tone, "Heh. Piece of cake—" She leans on the fruit stand she snuck past them to but her eyes widened when the stand creaked and suddenly fell apart, gaining the attention of the group of marines. "Aww, come on!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air.

"There!! Get her!!" The Marine soldier shouted, causing many others on the path to start rushing towards her. "Crud!!!" Cayna yelped, starting to run away from the Marines. Even if Cayna could easily beat them, she knew the number of marines chasing her outnumbered her drastically, and she couldn't risk the appearance of Iron Jaw making the situation worse. "Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Stupid fruit stand!" She continued to run away from the marine soldiers chasing her and made a turn to lose them, but didn't expect a few of them to come from that direction either. "CRAP!" She suddenly scaled the wall next to her using reptilian-like hands. "Don't let her get away!" One of the soldiers yelled and aimed his musket at her, but another forced the marine's hands down "What are you doing!? We can't kill her! Just let the rooftop patrol deal with her!"

When Cayna leaped onto the roof, she was met by dozens of Marines on the roof who pointed muskets at her, some of them even snickering to themselves. "You have nowhere to run to now, "Dread Jaw" Cayna! Surrender!"

"NEVER!" Cayna responded childishly as she flailed her arms and prepared to face the dozens of Marines and thought to herself, 'How could I POSSIBLY handle all these guys!?' A blur suddenly came from a distant rooftop and shot a Marine right through the head. It was an arrow imbued with some powerful aura that no person can see.

"Huh!?" Cayna sounded in shock before seeing multiple arrows fly through the sky and shoot down Marines left and right. It almost looked like arrows was raining from the sky as she watched in disbelief at how fast the arrows fell from the sky, but none of them aimed or hit her.

"Yo. It looks like you need help." Cayna heard a faint voice stating the obvious in the distance and turned her head to see a figure on a nearby roof, "Mind if I help you out?" A masculine voice from the mysterious figure asked before raising his bow again, and shooting an arrow at the rooftop Cayna resided on, creating a Zipline.

Cayna looks at the carnage on the rooftop as the male uses the Zipline to come over, revealing himself to the Captain as the bartender from the bar Bianca is regularly in. The man has the appearance of an adult male teenager despite being WAAY older. He is above average in height and has a tall, lean figure. He has red hair and large, innocent-looking hazel eyes. He is wearing a green tunic with simple brown leather armor and carries a mysterious curved bow. He also bore decently-sized pouches around his waist.

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