Bond-Forging Banter! Solemn Marksman...

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*Just a quick note before we get started, this chapter was made by the awesome @Det3rmined_Writ3r. I highly recommend checking out their profile and stories because, seriously, they're amazing! Anyways, enjoy the latest chapter!*

With their escape being a success, Cayna Duvain and Oblivion D. Arondite have now begun to travel the seas in search of their next adventure and a set of crewmates that will help them get a closer look at their goals. But, there's one problem...

"WE NEED SUPPLIES!" Cayna exclaimed as she was digging in barrels, tossing out all kinds of muskets, gunpowder, and explosives which caused Arondite to quickly catch them and comment, "O-Oi! You do know some of these things can explode if thrown too hard, right, Captain!?"

The swordsman sighed in relief when he caught everything that could blow a hole in their newly acquired ship.

Cayna pouted as she pulled her upper body out of the barrel and rubbed her chin, "Yeeeeaaaah, there's no food in here! All we have is some bread and water!"

Arondite added as he placed the explosives back into the barrel, "Two days. The bread and water will last for two days maximum before we're out of things to eat." He sat down and crossed his legs, looking out at the vast sea.

"Then it's settled, the first island we come across will have to be our next stop if we don't want to starve to death!" Cayna claimed as she placed her hands on her hips and jokingly told herself, "If push comes to shove I'll just have to eat Arondite and hope he lasts me for another few days."

Arondite darted his head away from the sea, now staring at his Captain blankly before she turned around and waved her hand at him with a grin, "Ah, don't worry! It's just a little jokey joke! I'd never eat one of my crewmates, Arondite..."

Arondite silently sighed in relief, closing his eyes momentarily before Cayna suddenly added with sharpened teeth, "...or would I!?"

The Silent Swordsman merely narrowed his eyes and spoke quietly, "Don't tease me, Captain..." Arondite earned a light laugh from his Captain as he sighed and leaned his head back on a barrel, already knowing this journey would be tiresome, but oddly didn't regret it. He felt right at home.

 Silence...The two comrades decided to enjoy the sea that they longed to sail and fulfill their dreams. But, for better or worse, this silence didn't last long...

Cayna hummed happily as she looked out at the North Sea, the wind blowing through her hair. Arondite merely looked out at the sea as well, but he was laying on the deck with his upper body against a wood barrel, "..." He continued to live by his epithet and remained silent for the time being, possibly thinking about multiple things at once. He closed his eyes while the sun basked the ship, but a shadow suddenly loomed over him which caused him to slowly open his eyes.

"Let's talk! I'm bored, and I can't look at the sea forever, ya know!? So, my first order as Captain is to talk to my first crewmate! We should get to know each other more than we already did when in that cell! If we're going to be on the same crew, we're going to become good friends too!" Cayna chimed while standing over Arondite who groggily stared at her, possibly dozing off before she walked over to him.

She suddenly sat on a barrel in front of the Silent Swordsman and chimed again, "Let's talk!"

"About what?" Arondite questioned, finding Cayna's antics to be rather intriguing as he slowly leaned up and rested his arm on the top of the barrel. He placed his two swords beside him and rubbed his chin softly.

The actions of small talk never came naturally to him, especially when he's always on the run and fighting his enemies silently.

"Anything!" The Captain swiftly responded. Her airhead nature caused Arondite to let a sigh release from his mouth. 'Well, that's not much to go off of, Cayna...' He thought while shaking his head. But even then, he tried to think of something that they could talk about to pass the time, "Hmm...How about—" Arondite started to speak until he was cut off by Cayna who also came up with an idea.

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