Chapter 2

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'You ready?' Bell asks me while staring at my family home. I understand why she might be worried, these are the people that threw me out of my own home when they were supposed to love and care for me.

"As ready as I will ever be to see my loving family," I reply sarcasm heavy in my tone.

'Be serious,' Bell chides at me.

'I am honestly, I'm so excited to punch my sister in the face repeatedly until you can't recognise her anymore," I say with full seriousness.

"Calm down on the killing thoughts Clem," Ant says. All I do is huff in response, I know he is right but it would be extremely satisfying to re-arrange Brits face.

We get out of the car collectively and make our way towards the door. Our plan is to simultaneously kick the door open, because you gotta love the flare for the dramatic.

"Three...two...o-" me and Bell begin but before we even finish the door is already kicked in. I look over to see Ant with his leg stuck up in the air. Looking at us sheepishly.

"What was that," I yell.

"I thought we were kicking  the door in," Ant tries to defend. "Yeah, when it gets to zero," Bell replies back.

"Exactly and now me and Bell look idiotic with our legs braced to kick in the door that's already open," I say exasperated. Out of the corner of my eye I see my family had arrived at the door with their guys trained on us, ha they think that could stop us. If we wanted they would already be dead before they even pulled the trigger.

I notice Noah first, I think it is, because his face is stony and angry while hiding Brit behind him. Eye-roll, like why would you bring her to the loud nose anyway if you wanted to protect her. Honestly, they are supposed to be a powerful mafia but they bring Brit, do we're the noise is. Not that I care, I would happily hurt her.

Next, I see Ethan and Ben together. Hands ready to pull if necessary but some recognition flaring in their eyes, ah they must realise who it is. But, they don't lower their weapons because they wouldn't want to go against daddy dearest orders.

Thinking of Dad, or Jack as I prefer to call him, I notice from the edge of my vision that he is in the middle of the family. One eye firmly trained on us (the intruders) and the other trained on Brit. Because, he has to take care of  pure innocent Brit who could do no wrong. Oh wait, I'm wrong she already has.

Next to dad I notice Luke. His eyes laser focus, ready to pull the trigger if necessary. Not even looking at my face, but body language to see if I'm going to strike. Clever, but maybe if he looked at my face he would see his other sister that his family threw away. Not that I'm upset about it or anything. No, why would I be?

Last and not least I see Seb. His dark eyes trained on me. Even from the corner of my eye I can tell he is looking at me straight in the eyes. However, his gun is trained directly behind me, on Ant and Bell. Unlike the rest of my so-called family. He must have realised that I would rather get hurt than them. Observant he must be.

I notice Noah about to speak but I hold my hand up to silence him, I'm not afraid of them anymore.

"Well, you should have kicked the door then," Ant replies. "We would have but we hadn't gotten to Zero yet," Belk deadpans. I can't help but not my head in agreement.

"Literally, why would we go on like one and a half. You don't hear people going, and a half... one do you?" I shout at him.

"Excuse me," Luke tries to interrupt, see caring but when all you have very known is darkness it's hard to care.

I look at him sharply, "can't you see we are in the middle of a disagreement," I say.

"Your in front of our house so-," with a glare from all three of us trained on Like he quickly stops talking.

I turn back to Ant just as he replies, "yeah well-" but he doesn't have the chance to finish before I'm interrupting sarcastically saying, "wow great explanation,"

" Yeah and I'm sorry I was to fast for you," Ant replies, sticking his tongue after he finished speaking.

"How adult of you," Bell retorts back. I notice Noah about to speak but before he can me, Bell and Ant are erupting in laughter. The situation is to funny. We are literally arguing about how to kick a door in, in front of my family.

"Too iconic," Bell manages to say through gasping breaths and laughs. At this, it sets us all of again, one more comment from anyone of us and we would probably be rolling on the floor.

"Can someone tell me how you are?" I hear my dad yell. At the sound of his voice me, Bell and Ant sober up. Immediately putting on our emotionless face before turning to face my family.

"Oh, don't you recognise me dad?" I speak icily, all evidence of any human emotion gone from my voice. Instead, below temperatures replacing them.

At my words I notice his jaw drop in shock. Actually, all of my family's fave drop in shock including Seb.

"It can't be you, it just can't be," Jack whispers.

"Why?" I speak my voice managing to take on the strength of steel, "because I was supposed to die," i finish.

"Oh that's right," Bell continues, "you sent her away because her lying twin manipulated you into doing so,". After every word her voice increasing in anger at what they did to me.

"Don't make up things about my innocent Brittany," Jack shouts. Ah, that's right as soon as someone mentions Brittany he is on high alert. Because no one can be mean to his precious daughter. But do the other one, it's fine.

I just roll my eyes at what my dad says, choosing to ignore him.

"I am disappointed that you don't recognise you own daughter," Ant chastised, obviously not wanting to be left out.

"I know it's been 7 years but can't you tell its me Clem, other daughter to you, other twin to Brit," I speak slowly trying to make him remember me. Love how my own dad forgot about me I think.

"You've changed," Ben speaks. Causing my head to turn to his. I just scoff and say, "who would have thought that after 7 years I would look different,".

"I wouldn't have Clem honestly," Bell retorts.

"I didn't mean it like that," Ben tries to defend. "Then how did you mean it?" I reply. Watching as he opens and closes his mouth repetitively, showing that he is at a loss of words.

"You're back," Luke exclaims while wonky for a hug. In response I just step back, "did I say you could hug me," I speak.

"Well no, but your my sister" he says softly, "your sister died the day she was sent away," I speak plainly. Ignoring all of my family's shocked faces and instead walking into the house or mansion as my dad likes to say surrounded my by the family. Bell and Ant.

Hey guys, do we like so far. Loves ❤️❤️

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