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"His quirk is perfect, just what you need"
A mad voice croaked. It was a short little man with a sharp bushy mustache speaking.
He was completely bald and wore circular glasses to help his poor vision.

He handed a printed paper to the man he was speaking to.

"You're right.
This is exactly what I needed."

Izuku Midoriya
Age- 4
Quirk- Desired Wish

This quirk allows the user to grant almost any wish except for their own.
It can be any wish, however the bigger it is the more likely it is that it won't be able to be granted.

Wishes range on a scale based on how many people it would effect.
If someone wishes to end world hunger, it would be near physically impossible for the user to grant that wish due to the scale of how many people it would effect at a time.

If someone wishes for a toy on the other hand, because it's a small wish that only effects a small range of people, it won't take a toll on the users body.

The way the wishing works-
The person who has a wish holds the user's hands and makes a wish.
There's a crystal like core on the users palms that have to be contacted for the wish to be granted.

The user can decide whether or not a wish is granted, but there's a price to pay if the wish isn't granted.
Based on the wish, the user will feel immense pain if they don't grant the wish.

The user also has to grant the minimum of 3 wishes a day to keep the quirk from hurting themselves.

Other general information-

The quirk prevents the user from speaking their own wishes, any attempts result in pain and their mouth seals shut until they try to speak about something else.

When negative wishes are made, the mental state of the user is also greatly effected.

Negative wishes are judged based on the intentions of the wisher.

Wishing for death can result in the user feeling dread and wanting death themselves.

On the flip side.

Jf a positive wish is made, the user's mental state improves.

Wishing for happiness can also result in the user feeling happiness.


Too big of a wish can result in the death of the user or at the very minimum a coma.

"Your quirk is amazing, Izuku.
I'm proud of you."
The tall man patted the head of a greenette. He had green fluffy curly hair and emerald eyes to match.
He was of a short stature, being only 4.

"What is it, dad?"
He asked, looking up at his red eyed father.
He had short white hair and wore a suit to match the old look he had.

"I'll explain it to you later. For now, put on these gloves"
He handed Midoriya small white gloves.

The boy smiled, putting on the gloves and following his father out.

He was guided to a windowless room with 2 beds inside.
The boy didn't question it, he had lived like that his whole life so why would there be a reason to question it anyways.

There was another boy his age that lived in the room as well, he had been waiting for him to return as once he did; it'd be his turn to find out what his quirk was.

"Woah you're back already.
What's your quirk?"
He asked, curious as ever.

"Dad didn't tell me yet, he said he'd tell me later"
Midoriya replied, wearing a cheery smile.

"Huh, maybe he wants to tell us both at the same time."

So you should go and find out what your quirk is quick"

I'll be fast, faster than you"
He ran out to the man that had been waiting at the door for him.

"Good luck!"

"I don't need it!"

Izuku sat there alone in his room, he was given minimal items but enough to keep him entertained.
He had a note book, a sketch book, some art supplies, and some action figures.

He grabbed his notebook and got to writing.

"My quirk came in today! I wasn't told what it was yet but I think it was something to do with the crystal thingies on my hand.

Dad's really happy that I got my quirk, he even said he was proud of me today.

I hope I can help him so he's really happy!

Kacchan just went in to find out what his quirk is too, i hope it's something that can make dad happy too.

The happier dad is, the better for all of us!

I wonder what moma thinks of my quirk, did dad tell her yet?
I haven't seen her all day but I will later when she comes in to play with me and Kacchan!

I heard Kacchan's mom is also coming in today.
Mom and Kacchan's mom get along really well which makes me really happy.

When they're happy we're extra happy!

I w-
Why can't I write wi-

My hands hurt whenever I try to write that word...
That's not nice.

What's wrong with my hands."

My quirk is cool!"
The ash blond boy exclaimed as he walked in.

Midoriya put his notebook away and stuffed it under his pillow.

"What is it?"
Midoriya asked, beyond excited.

"Dad's gonna explain now"
He replied as he sat by him.

The man walked in and shut the door, "you two can both read, right?"
He asked, wearing a toothy smile.

The both of them cheered.

"Alrighty then, read these papers"
He handed them sheets of paper, different from the original sheets of paper he had with a complete syponsis of their quirks.

They were given a sheet of paper that only explained the good of their quirks without the downsides...

"You can keep the papers.
Your mothers will be here soon. Goodbye"
He walked out and left the two to be excited on their own.

His phone rang from his pocket, he pulled it out and answered the call.

"AFO, the subject is ready."


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