Chapter Six: Flight

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TW: Fight and Abuse :D, Violence and Attempted Murder

If there was one thing Wilbur loved nearly as much as his music and Quackity, it was flying. He absolutely relished in the wind rushing through his curls and feathers. He was obsessed with how how free he felt when in the air, how little he felt the need to control or perfect as there was no one around to do so. He could be himself---he could shreik of laughter, the stress falling out of his stance. Under the night sky, with the stars to be his only other witnesses to his face without his veil to hide his features, the features only Quackity himself can see as he pleases, there were none he did not trust to intrude on him, even accidently.

Everyone in the entire Empire knew about it, none daring to stay up late in desperate attempts to witness thier cold, iron-fist-ruling Emperor be relaxed and happy. You could question the commonfolk, from nobles to merchants to burgoises to peasants, and every one of them would tell you one of his favorite past-times was escaping the giant castle to be underneath the bare night sky just to spread his wings and dive and dodge and speed like none other before. Even Sally herself knew, warned early on to not tresspass onto his free time, one of the scarce things that made their beloved Empeor joyful and casual.

But none knew of the true reason he obsessed over it so much.

Not a soul knew of his favorite part.

"Catch me if you can, loser!"

Quackity Nevadas.

Wilbur grinned, playful and energetic yet still entranced by his so-called close comrade. He laughed, bringing his wings close as he fell back. He gracefully slid to fly beneath the shorter, of whom's wings were of the largest in history as well as the most golden, before flattening his wings and turning to a glide as he finally matched the man's placing. he looked up as Quackity glanced behind him, puzzled at his disappearance, before looking down in shock as Wilbur could not contain a giggle. Caught off guard, the golden-feathered of the duo went to a sudden stop, flapping his wings about. The taller slid up to reach his height, pausing in front of him with a smirk as Quackity began to cackle and playfully yell at him.

"You did that diving thing again!" he accused. Wilbur feigned shock and mock offense, acting as if he had no idea what the man was speaking of.

"Why, how dare you! That does not sound like an action I would perform!"

Quackity began to cackle once more, doing a quick flip. "You little liar! Don't you even fucking try! You do this all the time!"

Wilbur batted an eye. "Do what? Do this?"

Quackity seemed to realize immediately, eyes widened as he began to panic, though none of it genuinely terror as his grin only grew. "Don't you fucking dare, asshole, or I swear to Prime, I shall---!"

But Quackity never got to finish his threat, the taller already diving. Wilbur snickered as he heard a "Fuck!" come from above, no doubt the boy he was escaping from. Wilbur veered towards the trees, finding himself overflowing with adrenaline as he wove through the trees as if it were his very own home. He could hear the boy behind him, slowly silencing as his large wings prevented him from flying in the trees.

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