Chapter sixteen

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Harry Styles

"Well, I'm sorry for showing some compassion to someone we're supposed to take care of" I let my fingers quickly trace along Beth's arm before storming out, not bothering to close the door behind me. I can hear Beth saying something to Liam but her voice fades and get's replaces by unfamiliar ones. I spot Beth's brown-skinned friend sitting in the hallway, probably waiting for her. Her mouth opens like she wants to say something but I immediately give her a look that's meant to say "I don't want to talk". Although for the way she reacts, I assume it came over more like a "shut the fuck up or I'll rip your throat out".

I brush my fingers through my still damp hair, desperately trying to get it out of my face. I've been thinking about cutting it lately, but I never thought about actually doing it. It's more like, how would I look with short hair, you know?

Liam has been irritating me constantly since we got on this boat. Something about that I care too much has got him all riled up. Him constantly reminding me about not getting too close to people is really pissing me off. He's probably right. No, not probably, he is right. Our job is to get as much people out of the country and get them to Manchester, alive. This doesn't include becoming friends with the people you safe. It's better not to get attached to anyone. In the end we'll have to leave them alone and it's not practical to have someone in your head distracting you from your work.

Dancing with Beth yesterday was a bad idea. I cared for her, now I care more. Apparently it's that easy to get attached to someone. Thank god she didn't get drunk or anything cause in that case I would've had to take care of her after the party.

The way I made her leave her friends side to dance with me and the way she was basically letting herself get glued to me is something that came across my mind more than once last night. Night's like that are always a great way for everyone to forget all the bad stuff happening outside of the boat. Even without alcohol in your system, it's the last thought in your mind.

Apparently Liam found it very immature of me to be so stubborn about leaving Beth yesterday when, for the record, she was half dying out on the street. He said that I should've checked up on myself first before caring about someone else. Which I totally disagreed with but I spared us an argument and just walked away.

I told myself I was gonna check up on Luke the first day he would wake up. But I feel like it would be smarter to just let it slip today and have a chat with him tomorrow. He must be so confused as well, he probably doesn't even know what happend. For some reason I don't want to be the one to tell him, cause I'm not that good at comforting people. But I also don't want it to be anyone else. I spent so much time with him in the training room the last couple of months that I feel like it's my job to tell him.

I pass Calum as I walk up the stairs to the boat's deck. "Hey Mate, you've seen Luke already?"

"Yeah, he looks bad. Haven't talked to him yet, though." I answer, pausing my steps for a second.

"Alright I'll let you know how he feels." Calum waves before continuing his way to the infirmary. I make my way up the stairs and the wind immediately blows my hair in my face when I open the door. I walk over to the edge, resting my arms on the railing and staring at the infinite amount of water ahead of me. I keep trying to get my hair out of my face, but I give up after a minute, realizing it will stay stuck to my face until I get back inside.

The cold morning air sends a shiver down my spine, finding it's way through my clothes. The door opens and closes behind me and I don't turn around, not knowing who's walking out until they're standing right beside me.

I recognize the black hair from the corner of my eye but don't say anything. It stays like that for a while, both of us just enjoying the view and freezing our asses off without bothering.

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