chapter seventeen

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Beth Davis

Today Nyssa wanted to do a sleepover. The only thing was that sleeping wasn't one of her plans. She had many, but not one of them included closing your eyes and laying down. Which honestly wouldn't be a bad thing for once if I wasn't absolutely exhausted every night.

I promised myself I'd have as much fun as possible, so here I am, sitting on her bed, watching a movie. I think it's called The Notebook, or something like that. It's been nothing but boring from the start but I don't want to tell and upset her.

I've been sitting here for at least an hour now and Nyssa's been asleep for half of it. I don't want to wake her up but I also don't feel like sleeping. There' something that's keeping me awake. I have a slight feeling that it's something to do with my nightmares. I haven't had them since a couple of days ago, and I don't want them to return when I'm with her. She doesn't know about them, and I don't want her to.

The only person that does is Harry, for as far as I know. I don't think he told anyone else about them. He's also the only one I trust to be that vulnerable with. He somewhat knows how to help me calm down when I wake up and for some reason, I don't mind it when he touches me. He knows that I never want to talk about them and he accepts that.

I pause the movie and look at the black-headed girl besides me. She's passed out on her bed, looking peaceful as always. I get up, making sure not to make much noise and search for a pen and paper.

I quickly write down, "I'm sorry, felt uncomfortable so I went back. See you tomorrow." I put it down on her nightstand and leave her room. I shut the door behind my back, being as quiet as possible. I walk along the hallway, being half asleep and awake at the same time.

The hall is dimpy lit and no one's around. I take a turn left, snapping out of my thoughts when I bump into something hard. I take a few small steps back and brush my hair out of my face. The lights make it hard for me to recognize the person standing in front of me.

"Harry?" He takes a step towards me, decreasing the space between our bodies. His green eyes stare at me and his hair falls wildly over his shoulders. If he wasn't the only person with long hair on this boat, I doubt I would've recognized him.

"What are you doing here?" He asks and I rub my eyes with my index fingers. "What are you doing here?" I return his question.

"Couldn't sleep, you?" He explains, putting a hand on my waist. His hand is warm but still sends a shiver down my spine. Though, it's very much appreciated. "Same, sorta" I answer.

"Wanna take a walk?" He asks, standing next to me. I nod and he pulls me closer to his side. We continue the way I was headed. He didn't seem bothered to turn around and go back to where he came from.

We pass the main hall with the front desk and go through the big dining room. He leads me up the big staircase and takes a left turn when we reach the top. It gets colder the closer we get to the door that'll lead us onto the deck. My short pyjama pants and t-shirt don't bring much warmth.

Harry opens the door and allows me to walk through first. I walk all the way to the very edge, resting my arms on the railing and holding my head in my hands. The wind blows my hair in every way except away from my face. I smile just a little despite the fact that I feel like I'm freezing my ass off.

Harry appears next to me on my left and copies my position. It's completely quiet, not a single person around here other than us. Goosebumps are all over my skin and I fold my arms, trying to catch as much warmth as possible.

"Did I take you away from Nyssa again?" Harry asks, making me turn my head. My hair immediately flies out of my face. "Not really, I kind of walked away." I chuckle, shifting on my feet.

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