chapter ten

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Forcing myself back into the living room, I feel everyone's eyes drilling into mine. Except for Harry's cause he's the one leading me back to the living room after deciding for me that I should say goodnight to everyone before heading to bed. I bet they're all thinking the same thing as him; that I can't handle loosing a game. But that's the last thing this is about.

I just can't stand seeing someone act, look and talk like my brother without actually being him. It's like I've known him for so long but yet he knows only my name. Probably not even my last name.

Last name...

"Goodnight" I say quickly before pulling Harry along with me back into the bedroom. Shutting the door behind his back with an unintended loud noise, he looks at me in confusion.

"What's his last name?" I spit before waisting another second. "Luke's?" He looks at me in disbelieve. "No, your's, Mr. Styles.. Yes, Luke's!" I shake my head at him, pursing my lips into a line.

"Didn't I tell you to drop it and to stop worrying about it?" He answers, clearly annoyed about my question.

"Yes, but I just wanna know" I add, sitting down on the bed as I watch him fold his arms.

"Hemmings... Luke Hemmings. Now go to bed and I'll see you in the morning" He says quickly before leaving the room and closing the door behind his back again.


Waking up due to a stinging pain in my leg, I jump out of bed without checking the time. I open the door and stumble into the living room. Heading for the kitchen to grab some medicine, I spot a dim light shining from around the corner. Knitting my eyebrows together in confusion, I continue my way to the kitchen. Turning around the corner, I notice someone sitting on one of the bar stools, assumingly fumbling with his fingers on the kitchen counter.

Softening my facial expressions right before the person turns around, I mutter a quiet "Hi" , earning a small wave. Opening one of the top cabinets, I struggle to reach the bottle of painkillers. "Need any help?" Luke's raspy voice sounds from behind me as he tries to be as quiet as possible. Nodding, I take a step aside to let him grab the small bottle for me. Without hesitation, he reaches for a different cabinet to grab a glass, filling it with water.

"Thanks" I whisper as I take both the glass and the painkiller from him. He puts a hand on my shoulder and roams it up and down quickly before positioning himself on the barstool again. Avoiding my thoughts about this sudden moment alone with Luke, I quickly put the medicine in my mouth and swallow it along with a gulp of water.

Setting the glass down on the kitchen counter, I decide to stay a little longer to wait till the painkiller kicks in. I take a seat next to Luke, staring in front of me, thinking about whether I should say something or not.

"I don't know what time it is, but why are you not asleep?" I wonder out loud, taking a quick glimpse of him as I speak.

"Couldn't sleep, my brain was just going crazy" He answers honestly, meeting my eyes.

"Got something on your mind?" I continue the conversation, actually feeling less awkward than my mind assumed I would in this moment. It's only when he starts to speak again that I notice the glass of alcohol in front of him. His big hands are gently wrapped around the small glass.

"I just don't know where I belong anymore. Sometimes I feel more like the victim in this whole situation and at other times, I feel like I could rule the world with the position I'm in right now- getting to safe others from all the misery here. Right now, I feel like I'm the biggest victim of all victims, ya know? It's like there's a part of me somewhere deep inside of me, but I can't reach it and I'm dying to know what that part of me is like. Maybe he's a total dick or something, but he might not be" His right hand lifts up the glass to his tender lips, the dim light marking out his facial features beautifully.

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