18. Busted

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Christmas had once again come around, this thime it wasn't nearly as awkward. Christmas was at my house this year and so uncle Severus had joined us. A week before Christmas, Draco had me and himself join the Inquisitorial Squad, although Umbridge had band clubs so I'm just super confused. Christmas was over just as soon as it had arrived. I was listening to the radio
"Turn that thing off" Draco grumbles lying on his bed. I get up and go to turn it off  but before I do something interesting sparks both mine and Draco's interest
"We have confirmed that 10 high-security prisoners in the early hours of yesterday evening did escape. And of course, the Muggle prime minister has been alerted to the danger. We strongly suspect that the breakout was engineered by a man with personal experience in escaping from Azkaban notorious mass murderer Sirius Black cousin of escapee Bellatrix Lestrange"
"Your aunt" I breathe out
"No way would Sirius help aunt Bella. They hate each other"
"Maybe they don't" i look at Draco who shakes his head
"Best go down for breakfast"
"Yeah" I put my robe on and both Draco and I walk down to the great hall. When we arrive everyone looks at us
"What are you all staring at" Draco seethes. Harry walks in behind us with Hermione and Ron. Draco and I make our way to the Slythrin table
"Harry" Seamus stands up "I err wanted to apologise. Now even me mam says the Prophets version of things don't add up. So, what I'm really trying to say is that I believe you" it's about those they believe the Dark One is back
"Draco didn't your aunt Bella torture Neville's parents?" Pansy ask as we sit down
"Yeah" Draco replied with a bored tone "YN hurry up, we have a job to do for the Inquisitorial Squad
"Oh yippie" I sarcastically say.

While patrolling the halls Cho seems to be stood at a wall
"Well well well, what have we here?" Draco says circling the girl
"Draco just get on with it" I roll my eyes at the dramatics
"Fine. Crabbe go and get Professor Umbridge. I'm sure she'd like to know why you were trying to get into the room or requirement" he nods his head and walks away leaving just Draco and I for a little bit with Cho
"What did you think would happen?" I ask Cho "that Harry could create an army? you think a bunch of kids will stop the Dark One?" I frown
"At least we're doing something, while you two are pretending like nothings happening"
"Nothing we can do" I shrug
"So I heard that you are engaged. Bit young don't you think?"
"What's it to you?" Draco snaps
"Whether we're friends or not..."
"We're not" I reply
"Like I said wether we are or not. You shouldn't be forced into something you don't want to do"
"And who said anything about us being forced to do this?" I act as if Draco and I had planned this to happen
"For a start, I'd expect an engaged couple to excited and all in love. I look at you and just see two scared children"
"Your rather bold with your words Cho" Draco says, but before the conversation can continue Crabbe returns to us with Umbridge she starts using a spell to create a hole
"Good work YN and Draco. 50 points for Slythrin. I'll make short work of this. Bombarda Maxima" she says in a sweet voice "of you go now, I'll deal with this"

Later that evening Filch put up another rule. Umbridge has replace Dumbledore as head teacher
"I thought you said this would pass?" I argue with Draco
"Forgive me for not being able to see into the future. I thought it would"
"Ugh" I groan plopping myself down on the sofa "I just really don't like her"
"I know, but hey she gave us 50 points"
"I can't see that it was worth it. Using up energy walking around the hallways spying on Harry and his friends. It's almost sad"
"Well what else do you suppose we do YN? start making a shrine for the Dark Lords return like our parents"
"Oh please Draco don't be so dramatic"
"It won't be long until he summons us" Draco sighs, I frown at him "won't be long until we go to war"
"Is that what this is about?" I say more softly "Draco are you worried about his return?"
"What no, he'll clean up this mess with the mudbloods and muggles" Draco tries to pretend he's not worried, but I can see through him
"Draco my Grandmother was a muggle. Uncle Severus is a half blood. I'm only pure blood really because of my dads side of the family. I also think we might be the only pure bloods that aren't related to each other thank goodness"
"I know YN, but if we allow muggles and pure bloods to marry then there won't be any of us left" I don't quite buy what he's selling
"Draco you know you can tell me anything right?"
"Yeah course, we've been best friends since we were babies"
"Exactly. We think more alike that you think. Your using all of this as a distraction from what's going to happen. We both know innocent people are going to die. People who just fell in love and had children"
"Bloody hell YN your starting to sound like a blood traitor"
"No all I'm saying is you and I both know a war is coming, we know which side our parents will be on and what side they wish for us to be on, but we get to choose"
"No we don't YN. We really don't" Draco holds up my hand with the engagement ring on. I sigh feeling defeated
"So that's that then. We carry on as normal and when the Dark Lord summons us, we obey"
"Yes we obey, do as we're told. That was we don't die"
"Ok" Draco pulls me into his side, his arm wraps around me tightly. I sigh as I'm beginning to have these feelings that the war isn't right, but I guess Draco does have a point that there will be no pure bloods left, but is this really an issue? I guess I can't tell him with my uncle told me, at least not yet.

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