5. A New School Year

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Days go past and I arrive on to platform 9 3/4 meeting up with Draco
"Now remember to tell anybody what you both know. Not even your friends" dad says to me and Draco
"We won't" Draco replies, but I stay silent
"YN?" Lucius asks
"Yeah we won't say a thing"
"Well then, we will see you at Christmas. Remember it's our turn for the Christmas meal this year" Narcissa says as she walks over Lucius a after giving Draco a hug
"Of course Cissa, we look forward to it" mother replies. The Hogwarts Express' horn blows signalling to us all that we need to get on the train
"I'll see you soon" I hug my mum and dad before getting on the train with Draco. As we try to find an empty seat we seen the golden trio with Nevill Longbottom. Ron is holding a Victor Krum figurine
"We saw him right up close in the top box"
"Still playing with dolls Ronald?" I laugh
"I don't remember asking you to join us Sliverling?"
"Whatever" I roll my eyes
"So are you going to enter? I guess you will won't you Potter. Always got to be involved in everything" the group look at Draco and I rather confused
"Draco they don't know" I laugh "I'm surprised with your father being part of the Ministry, my father and Draco's told us months ago"
"Then again YN our parents are quite high up in the Ministry, unlike Weasleys here"
"Hmm let's go Draco. I don't want to loose anymore brain cells that I already have talking to these blood traitors"

We find and empty compartment, soon enough the others all pile in
"These compartments need to be bigger" I complain as Blaise squeezes in next to me making me squashed between him and Draco
"The only girl I know to complain about  being squashed between Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zambini" Daphne giggles
"You do realise you've just admitted to liking Blaise and Draco?" I frown at Daphne who now looks like she's about to throw up
"Can't blame the girl, look at us" Blaise attempts to show off his muscles while Draco chuckles
"So who else is excited to see who enters the Triwizard Tournament?" Pansey asks looking at the other girls
"Obviously me, I wonder who will entre from Drumstrang, then again Hogwarts are hosting it this year so we will just see them walking around" Astoria squeals like a little girl. I roll my eyes and sigh
"Oh come on YN, you never know you might get a boyfriend this year?" Daphne now says wiggling her eyebrows
"You girls are boy crazy I swear" I cross my arms raising an eyebrow at the girls opposite me. Draco chuckles next to me. Atoria gasps
"What now?" Draco says sounding unamused
"I just thought Victor Krum will be at Hogwarts"
"How lovely for him" I comment sarcastically
"Ok girls you have to help me" Astoria leans forward
"Tori he's what 17?"
"Only 2 years my lovely friend"
"Whatever, you can have him. I don't even think he's...."
"Can we please for the love of Merlin talk about something that's not boy related" Blaise moans
"Only because we're not talking about you" Daphne says. I groan wanting the conversation to end.

After we arrive at Hogwarts we watched the other schools arrive. Beauxbatons Academy of Magic arrive by unicorns and carriage. Drumstrang Institute arrive by boat. We all sit down in our houses waiting for the other 2 to join
"Well now that we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make and announcement" the door creaks behind me. I look and se Filch ruining over to Dumbledore as he continues his speech "this castle will not only be your home this year, but home to dole very special guests as well"
"What's got his pants in a twist" Daphne snickers as we watch Filch do a funny run
"YN we've only just arrived, you haven't given him another Laxatio potion have you?" Draco laughs
"The poor guy was ill for days" Astoria  sarcastically pouts
"Well if he's got the shits again it not me this time I promise" I laugh holding my hands up. We watch as Filch whispers something to Dumbledore
"So, Hogwarts has been chosen" Filch then does his funny run back to the dining room doors as Dumbledore continues his speech "to host a legendary event. The Triwizzard Tournament"
"Yeah we know" I roll my eyes
"Thanks to you and Draco for telling us" Blaise says looking at Draco and I
"For those who do not know, the Triwizzard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be clear. If chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say, these contests are not for the faint hearted. But more of that later. Now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of Beauxatons Academy of Magic" the door opens once again making us all turn around "and their headmistress Madame Maxime" in walk a group of beautiful girls all wearing a blue dress and hat. They walk in sighing and then birds start chirping around then
"Merlin's beard" Blaise says in awe staring at the girls. I groan rolling ky eyes
"Try hards" I say leaning on my hand watching as their headmistress follows from behind. She's a rather tall lady, around Hagrids hight. Everyone starts cheering except me and some of the other Slytherins 
"And now, our friends from the North. Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master Igor Karkaroff" this time a group of boys in Black with sticks come in the grand hall
"Now this is what I'm talking about" Astoria giggles
"Oh my" Pansy sighs looking at the group of boys like they are food. Krum walks in last with their headteacher
"This is ridiculous"
"Your just jealous" Draco says
"Of what? A group of girls who look like they'd be scared of their own shadows or a group of boys who look like they are bloody robots?" I laugh crossing my arms "and anyway how do you feel that mummy dearest wouldn't allow you to go there?"
"Shut up YN"
"You nearly went to Drumstran?" Crabbe says wide eyed. I roll my eyes
"Of course you you idiot. Father wanted me around Purebloods, not these Mudbloods that are allowed here"
"Well think of it this way, if you had gone there you wouldn't have met us" Pansy points between herself, Daphne and Astoria
"Oh yippee" Draco sarcastically says making me laugh.

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