2. Seccond Year

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Second year was very much like our first year. We had a new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher, Professor Lockhart, who ended up releasing pixies into the class. Draco also got his wish that year of being on the quidditch team. One of my best memories from second year in Transfiguration class was when we turned animals into water goblets

"Who would like to go first? ah Mr Weasley. 1, 2, 3 Vera Verto" Professor McGonagall walks up to Ron
"Vera Verto" the rat turns into a furry water goblet with a rats tail. This makes everyone in class giggle
"That wand needs replacing Mr Weasley. Miss Silverling would you like a go?" I take a deep breath and turn the frog in front of me into a water goblet, perfectly "well done Miss Silverling, right..." Hermiones hand goes up in the air making Professor McGonagall stop "yes Miss Granger"
"Professor, I was just wondering if you could tell us about.. the chamber of secrets" I notice everyone is looking at the Professor to explain
"Very well. Well you all know that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the 4 greatest witches and wizards of the age. Goodric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin. Now, three of the founders coexisted quite harmoniously. One did not"
"Three guesses who" I hear Ron say in front of me
"Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students that grew to Hogawarts. He believed magical learning should be kept in all magic families. In other words, pure bloods. Unable to sway the others he decided to leave the school. Now according to legend he had built a hidden chamber in this castle which he sealed before leaving until his own true heir returned to the school who could open the chamber and unleash the horrors within"

Draco's first quidditch came didn't quite go as planned as he fell off his broom stick landing on the grass
"Oh Draco stop making such a fuss you can go" Madam Pomfrey runs through the hospital wing
"Is my father still here?" Draco groans while looking at me
"No" I shake my head "he didn't look pleased when leaving
"I've disappointed him"
"It's not your fault Draco" I place my hand on his, but he soon moves it "it was your first quidditch came. What can you expect?"
"I have to make my father proud YN"
"And I'm sure you do"
"Have you met my father"
"Ok but..."
"Mr Malfoy I thought I told you that you can leave"
"Come on Draco"

My uncle Severus won a battle between himself and Lockhart. Uncle Severus then made me fight against Potter
"Might I suggest someone from my own house? YN" my uncle motions me to get up onto the table
"Scared Potter?" Draco smirks as I walk towards Harry
"You wish"
"Wands at the ready" Harry and I lift up our wands then walk away from each other "on the count of three cast your charms to disarm your opponent, only ti disarm. We don't want any accidents here. One, two" before he gets to three I cast my spell
"Everrte Statum" Harry goes flying across the table making some people laugh, but he's soon up and casting his own spell
"Rictusempra" which sends me flying backwards almost landing on my uncles feet. I get up from the floor and point my want at Harry
"I said disarm only"
"Serpensortia" a snake appears in front on Harry who looks frightened
"Don't move Potter, I'll get rid of it for you"
"No, allow me Professor Snape. Alarte Ascendare" the snake is thrown in the air and now is angry. But Harry begins talking in parseltongue to the snake before uncle Severus gets rid of it.

And of course the chamber was opened, but weirdly it was Ginny Weasley who opened it, apparently under Tom Riddles influence, Harry then fights Tom Riddle in the chamber and kills a basillisk. Lockhart ends up being a fraud and leaving Hogwarts and went to St Mungos Hospital as he lost his memory from a memory charm.

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