21. The Train Ride

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Blaise decides he needs the toilet so leaves us in complete silence and awkwardness. When he returns he struggles to shut the door to our compartment
"What's wrong with this thing?"
"For fucks sake" I get up and pull the door all the way open then slam it shut
"Erm that's" Blaise looks nervous as his sits down. I roll my eyes and sit back next to Draco who once again puts his arm around me "Slughorn stoped me on the way back"
"What did he want?" Draco
"Wanted to talk to some well connected people, not that he found any"
"What do you mean?" I ask with a frown
"McLaggen from Gryffindor was there"
"His uncles pretty big in the Ministry. Who else was there?" Draco asked
"Someone called Belby from Ravenclaw, Longbottom and the youngest Weasley girl"
"What's so special about them?" Draco sniggers
"Well the girl is pretty isn't she Blaise, you like her and we all know how you liked to be pleased" Pansy rolls here eyes
"I wouldn't touch a filthy little blood traitor like her ever" Blaise replies coldly
"I'm surprised he didn't ask to see us, you know with our fathers both being high up in the Ministry and all" I say
"Were, Nott wasn't there and their fathers we're good friends, that is until. Well you know he became a Death Eater. I don't think he's interested in them"
"Well who cares. YN and I will be on to bigger and better things. We might not be here next year"
"Don't be stilly Draco, of course we will" I tell him with an annoyed tone
"I don't see why we should have to. Do you really think the the Dark Lord will care about grades? he will just care about what you'll do for him to help the cause"
"And what will you do Draco as a 17 year old?" Draco just shrugs at Blaises question
"Enough of this conversation" Draco changes his posture. He's suddenly acting strangely.

When the train finally stops Draco tells the others to leave
"What are you doing Draco?" I ask frowning as he shut the compartment door
"Didn't mummy ever tell you it was rude to eavesdrop Potter?" oh now this makes sense "petrificus totalus" Draco points his wand "go and see if you can feel him on the floor" I walk up the carriage and feel a limb. I pull off the clock and there he is. Harry Potter lying on the floor "oh yeah she was dead before you could wipe the droop off your chin" Draco then kicks Harry in the face "that's for mine and YN's fathers. Enjoy your trip back to London" Draco takes my hand and pulls me off the train "he'll be safer in London"
"Will he though?"
"It's either that or hes in a school full of Death Eaters that might kill him in a second. Trust me"
"Did you have to kick him though?"
"Need to keep him down"

We enter the great hall and sit down in our houses. We seem to be waiting for a while when in walks Luna and Harry
"How did he..." Draco is cut off my Dumbledore's speech
"First off let me introduce a new member of our staff, "Horace Slughorn" everyone starts clapping
"Professor Slughorn, I'm happy to say has agreed to resume his old post as potions master. Meanwhile the post of Defence Against The Dark Arts will be taken by Professor Snape" of course all the Slythrins cheer and clap while the others all look confused "you should all know why you were searched on entering the school. Once there was a young man like you who sat in this hall. His name was Tom Riddle" there's a bunch of mutters and murmur "better known to us as Lord Voldemort, now, as you all know Lord Voldemort and his followers are once again at large" Draco discreetly squeezes my hand in his "I cannot emphasise how dangerous present situations are and how much care we here and Hogwarts will take, to keep you all safe. Should you notice anything strange, report it to a member of staff immediately, but now your beds await off you go" Dumbledore dismisses us all. Hand in hand Draco and I leave together to walk towards his prefect room.

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