11. Christmas At Malfoy Manner

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Draco and I are picked up from Hogwarts and taken to Malfoy Manor where Narcissa and my mum meet us at the door
"Merry Christmas" mum says giddily pulling me in for a hug. We're ushered through the door, I can already smell dinner. We walk into the living room where the large Christmas tree is decorated beautifully
"Draco and YN dear please come sit" Narcissa gestures to the sofa. Draco and I sit next to each other both feeling confused
"How's school?" mum asks
"Good" I frown
"Draco what about you?"
"Erm good"
"Any romances?" Mum asks looking between us. I look at Draco for help but he looks just as confused as me
"Ro that's enough. Lucius tell them" my dad thankfully interrupts
"Tell us what?" Draco looks between my father and his
"As you know the Dark Lord will be returning soon" Lucius starts "and as you know we have been preparing for his return. Now we all believe that it would be best for him to come back hearing that at least one pure bloodline is secured. One of the most powerful bloodlines that is"
"Where are you going with this" I ask
"You and Draco will get married" my mother tells us. I nearly choke on thin air
"I'm sorry what? we're 15" I shout
"Nearly 16. Now we know your young and I'm sure the Dark Lord will be happy to wait until your at least 18"
"18?" Draco now shouts "still young don't you think?"
"Now Draco, this was always the plan. We are just having to push things along a little" Narcissa says
"What do you mean this was always the plan"
"Well YN. When Cissy and I had you both only 2 months apart, we decided to keep our bloodline pure you would marry. We were hoping that you both would have fallen for each other by now, but as that's not the case we are having to move things along. I have been looking at rings for you YN and I have found one I believe you will like. It should be arriving at Hogwarts soon. We would like for you to wear it as soon as possible, so not to cause suspicion we believe that you both should start acting like a couple" my mother tells me
"Mum this is crazy!" I stand up shouting
"Come now, it's not like we're marrying you off to someone you don't know" my dad now says
"Do you hear what your saying? you have decided from the moment I was born that I was going to marry Draco. You hoped that we would fall in love, but we haven't and you still think it's ok to force 2 15 year olds to get engaged. Oh but it's all ok because the Dark Lord will be happy right?" I huff and walking out of the room towards the stairs to go to one of the spare rooms
"Where are you going?" mum calls out to me
"Away from all of you"
"Draco go and calm her down" I hear Lucius comment
"Honestly, I agree with her. This is ridiculous"

Dinner that day was awkward, I just push my food around my plate with my fork
"YN stop playing with your food" mum scolds me. I sigh placing my fork down and then crossing my arms making my mum sigh. You can feel the tension in the air
"We will be preparing the house for the Dark Lord's return this summer, so you will both be staying out of our way. Understand?" Lucius tells us both
"Yeah" Draco replies
"YN?" my dad calls my name
"Er yeah sure"
"Good now will you please eat something before you make yourself ill" I pick mu fork back up and start to eat my meal slowly, much to my parents dismay. Thankful Draco seems to be just as irritated by this news. Seriously what are our parents thinking? this is mental! all of this just to appease the Dark Lord. I know that my family and Draco's are the two longest pure bloodlines, but whats that got to do with any of this?
Thankfully the day ends quickly with Draco and I going back to Hogwarts, however our travel back to Hogwarts is very quiet, neither of us talking. Somehow we need to carry on like everything's normal, how? I suppose it's a good job the Tri Wizard Tournament is happening, that's a good enough distraction than any.

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